Page 8 of Luca

“Were you able to make all the arrangements you needed?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“He’s so sweet.”

“He is. But I was thanking you for all you did for me. I winked earlier because you knew what was wrong right away. Without the CT scan. You’re very smart, Jillian. Very smart and very kind.I know I placed you in a tough position, and I really appreciate you putting your job on the line.”

Wow. This man.I’m actually a bit overcome by his words. He must be married. All the good ones usually are. Not that it matters. I’ll never venture down that road again. “Thank you for saying that.”

Looking up, I see Dr. Weston in the doorway and can’t prevent a wide smile taking over my face. “You’re in good hands, Luke Barrett. This is the best surgeon around.”

“Aww, you say that to all of us, Jillian.”

“Uh, noooo.” I laugh, stretching out the o before patting my kind patient on the arm reassuringly.

Dr. Weston turns to greet Dr. Jacobson, and I take the opportunity to wish my patient farewell.

“They’ll probably take you to the OR while I’m on my dinner break. So, if I don’t see you again, it was a pleasure taking care of you. I’ll be praying for a speedy recovery.” I’m actually sad to see him go. And not just because he was one of the kindest patients I’ve had in months. He was intriguing. Not to mention, I haven’t smiled or blushed this much in years.

“Thank you, Jillian.”

“Bye, Luke.”

As I turn to leave, I feel his warm, calloused hand wrap around my wrist and look back at him, a bit stunned by his unexpected touch and the spark it’s ignited.

“It’s Luca. You can call me Luca.”



Busting through the doors,my arms laden with grocery bags, I head for the kitchen island and belt out a greeting into the abyss. “Anyone home?”

“Mama!” Caleb shouts as he runs down the steps in his spider-man jammies and charges at me full force.

“Watch it, wild man. I’ve got your dinner in here.”

He tilts his head in confusion. “Gammy already made us dinner.”

“Oh.” After safely placing all of the bags on the counter, I check my watch. Wow. It’s after eight. I had no idea how late it was. Guess it’s a good thing she did.

“Hi, dear. Why don’t you take this wet little rascal and snuggle up on the couch while I put these things away? Late getting out tonight?”

I reach for my toddler, who’s wrapped in a towel, fresh from his bath. His blue eyes sparkle with delight before he buries his head in my neck. “Oh, it was awful, Mom. The hospital was full, so we had to board admitted patients in the ER until somethingopened up. The wait times were awful. Everyone who came back from the waiting room acted like we’d all been on an extended lunch break.”

My mother spins to face me, face beet red with her hands on her hips. “It’s not enough you guys work tirelessly, on your feet all day, usually without a break, to provide care for others. Then to be treated like that. People suck.”

“Yeah, people suck!” Caleb yells with his hand thrust in the air like he’s leading a protest.

His older sister comes into view with her hands slapped over her mouth, eyes wide.

“We don’t say suck, Caleb,” I remind him.

“Gammy did.”

“Well, when you’re a Gammy, you can say it too, Caleb,” my mother chastises.

My clever little man tilts his head once more before stamping his foot in outrage. “But then I’ll never get to say it. ’Cause I’ll never be a Gammy. I’m a boy.”