Page 40 of Luca

“Yes. My mother was a social worker. Nothing about that job was easy. She worked with patients in the hospital to do their discharge planning. Arranged placement in rehab centers after a lengthy illness or nursing homes if they were too sick to be able to go back home safely. She’s only been retired for a few years now. But she has a few friends she likes to spend time with. They play bridge and go on trips together. Cruises mostly. But they also like to go to crazy festivals.”

I reach for a carrot. “What kind of crazy festivals?”

“Ha. Well, they’re going to the Twins Days Festival in August.” Jillian steals a piece of carrot off of the cutting board.

“Oh, your mom is a twin?”

“Uh, no.” She giggles. “See what I mean.” She chews some more. Her cheeks look like a little rabbit. “It’s in Twinsburg,Ohio. I thought the festival was a play on the name. But it actually is a festival for twins and other multiples. This year’s theme is Shiver Me Twinbers.” Her big grin exaggerates her dimples. “They have parades and different activities. My mom said it’ll be fun to see so many look-a-likes.”

“That is pretty crazy.”

“My mom’s always been a bit left of center. Her and her dog.”

“Her dog?”

She rolls her eyes, and I know this will be a doozy. “Yeah, she named him after a stuffed toy I used to have growing up. He’s literally the definition of a hot mess. He has a nervous bladder and piddles every time he hears something that frightens him. Which could be the air conditioner coming on.” She laughs. “God forbid the German Shepherds next door start barking.”

“Yeah, what’s up with them? They don’t bother me, but they’re pretty intimidating for a suburban family neighborhood.”

“I don’t know. Cliff is a nice enough guy. And he seems to have control of them when he walks them. I just can’t let Caleb or Tru near the fence.” She wipes her hand on a tea towel. “Your turn. Tell me about your family.”

Uh oh. I really stepped in it now. I guess I had this coming after asking about hers.

“Was that your brother at Luigi’s the other night? He looks a lot like you.”

“Yeah, he’s my older brother.” I try to stay busy with the cooking and hope I can keep conversation about my family to a minimum. I’m happy to share superficial details, but I’m not ready to divulge too much. I don’t want to completely scare her off. Although, if I can’t get my attraction to her under control, I probably should. For both of our sakes.

“He’s had a rough time since coming to the states. He has issues controlling his use of alcohol. That and some otherpersonal demons that haunt him. Struggles he doesn’t deserve to carry but chooses to. Sadly, his marriage couldn’t sustain the weight of it all.”

Jillian’s soft hand lands on my forearm, and I glance up at her angelic face. I know this isn’t pity. Anyone who has lost a spouse has probably endured enough of that. Her caring feels genuine.

She pulls her hand away before I can get too comfortable feeling her soft, warm skin on mine. “You said your older brother. Do you have a younger one?”

“No. I’m the youngest boy. The middle brother stayed behind in Italy. Luna is the youngest of the four of us.”

“I bet she couldn’t take one step without the three of you watching over her.”

My stirring stops. A sharp, twisting pain tears at my chest, knowing between the three of us, someone should’ve been able to keep her safe.

“Hey. What did I say?” She slides down off of her perch on the counter and places her hand on my cheek. This woman is too beautiful. Too strong. She and her children have been through so much. They deserve far better than anything I could give them.

Placing the spoon down, I turn to her. “Jillian, I think this was a bad idea.”

Her hand falls to her side, and I know I’ve upset her.

Dragging my hand down my face, I release a heavy exhale, frustrated with my life. “I love spending time with you. And your kids. I’ve loved seeing Mimmo make friends.” I pace, not knowing how to say this.

She comes closer, placing her hands on my chest, and my mouth goes dry. “It’s okay, Luca.”

But it’s not. Nothing about my life is okay.

“I can’t have a relationship with you.”



I should’ve knownthis was a bad idea. What was I thinking, inviting him to spend the evening alone? Where was that flashing sign I’d seen before that readDANGER?