Page 30 of Luca

“It’s really nice what you did for her,” the brunette says. Meghan is written on her badge. “She’s a great girl. And deserves to have people step up for her once in a while.” She grins.

“I’m happy to do it. He’s easily entertained.” I chuckle.

“Okay, we have to get back to work. We still have half of a shift to go. But she should be out soon,” the blonde with her adds.

“Hope it goes well. Bye.”

“Oh my god, Meghan. He’s so hot.” Their voices carry easily behind me, and I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent laughing out loud.

“I know. The only thing hotter than that guy isthat guyholding a baby.” Their voices trail off as they re-enter the ER doors, and I release my laugh.

“You’re good for business, man,” I tease.

A few moments later, I hear Jillian’s voice behind me and excitedly turn to greet her, hoping she’ll be so thankful for my help that I’ll get that kiss after all.

But she’s not alone.

“Hi, Tru. Did you have a good day?” She coos, scooping him up from my lap.

The tall, overly attractive man with her is wearing a long white lab coat and appears quite familiar with Jillian. He’s standing entirely too close to her. He leans down, a hair’s breadth from Truitt and Jillian, inspecting the child’s face. It seems obvious he’s a doctor. But is he more?

Why do I care? We’re barely friends. Standing from my spot on the bench, I cross my arms over my chest, annoyed. I was expecting her to run out here, happy to see me. So grateful for my help she’d… I don’t know. Hug me? Instead, she’s with this guy.

Who is this fucker?



“It definitely lookslike pink eye, Jillian,” the irritatingly good-looking man in the lab coat says. “I’ll call some antibiotic ointment in to the drug store and will print up a return to daycare note for you. I’ll just email it so you can get home. But he won’t be able to go back tomorrow.”

Jillian scowls. Clearly, she’s struggling to find someone to care for her kids, or I wouldn’t be here. Does she have to work again tomorrow?

“I’m off tom—”Dr. Meddlerstarts to speak.

“We’ve got it covered. Thanks,” I interrupt.What the hell, Luca?You’re already behind on work. You don’t have any relationship with this girl or her kids. Nor should you start one. Have you lost your mind?

Jillian’s eyes snap to me, and I hold my breath, hoping she won’t call me out on my intrusive behavior.

Dr. Donovan Grant, as it’s embroidered into his starched white lab coat, glances in her direction. “I was going to say, Icould see if Jessica’s free tomorrow, and we could come by and watch the kids until you were off work.”

Her eyes nearly bug out of her head at his response. Who’s Jessica? Is he married?

“I couldn’t ask you to do that. But, thank you. And I’m pretty sure Jess is working with me tomorrow.” There’s a slight curl to her lips. I can’t tell if it’s a smirk or an appreciative grin. Whatever it is, it’s rubbing me the wrong way. She’s supposed to be thankingmefor saving the day.Not you.

“It’s honestly no problem,” I interrupt. “I have some work I can do away from the job tomorrow, and Mimmo would love the chance to hang out with your kids again.” I must be having a delayed reaction to my anesthesia.From a week ago.Because I’m just talking out of my ass now.

Jillian reaches over to rub my upper arm, and I nearly purr like a cat. Moments later, she offers a sweet smile, flashing those dimples at me, and I’m gone. I think I’d do just about anything she wanted.

“Okay, if you’re sure.” He places his hand on her shoulder, and I have to prevent growling at him. I doubt I’d score any points with her if I ripped his arm off.

“We’re sure,” I answer for her.

Jillian’s head moves back and forth between us as if she’s watching Barcelona versus Real Madrid in the World Cup, before her stunned expression lands on me.

“Okay. Just call me if you need anything,” he says, giving her a curt wave as he returns inside to impress someone else with his expensive medical school education and good looks.

“I feel like a dog just peed on my lawn.”