Page 125 of Luca

“Yes, right now. We have our whole life for romance. Tarzan, let’s have a treasure hunt. Go find that ring.”

“Oh my god!” my fiancée’s prior look of elation has turned to one of shock.

“Don’t worry, Cucciolotta. It has to be down there.”

“Someone is feeling very left out.”

Juliette, Maddy, and I look up to see Cecilia standing at the edge of the pool holding a very fidgety little man. “Me too. Me too,” he squeals.

“Mom!” Juliette cries out, swimming for the pool steps.

“Okay, okay, Tartanuga. I’ve got you.”

Cecilia drops him into my arms just as Tarzan pops out of the water.

“Found it!”

“Ah, good job, Scar. You’re my hero.” His toothy grin rivals the sun.

“Maddy, can you take Riker for me? I’d like to put this on your mother’s finger before she changes her mind.”

“Fat chance.” Cecilia guffaws as her daughter squeezes the life out of her.

Maddy pulls her little brother into her arms. “Only a few minutes more in here. I don’t want the chlorine to ruin your clothes. We’ll have to go back home and change before lunch with our friends.”

“Okay.” Her face falls.

“What’s the matter, Farfalla?”

“Can I call you Dad now?”

Shit.I just recovered from proposing and a near drowning, now this. Thank goodness she asked while I was still in here. Maybe I can blame the tears on the pool water. I grab Maddy,pulling my kids into my chest. Because if they’ll have me, that’s exactly what they are. “I’d love nothing more, my little butterfly,” I whisper into her hair.

I manage to climb out of the pool and catch up to Juliette and her mother. Draping my wet body over Cecilia’s, I laugh as she shrieks, causing her entire bridge club to hoot and howl. Pulling my girl aside, I hurriedly get back down on my knee. “Quick, before anything else happens. Say yes, again.”

She giggles. “Yes, yes.”

I slide the ring on her finger and stand, lifting her into my arms. This day couldn’t possibly get any better.


Looking past Juliette, my eyes land on Luigi, Maria, Antonia, and Mimmo.



“Boys, no running. Donotrun near the pool!” I shout.

The two of them look at each other across the clear blue water and simultaneously shrug their shoulders and grin, before jumping in to meet each other in the middle.

“Why did we dress up again?” I snort. “I’ll be right back.” I try to heed my own words about running at the pool, making quick strides to greet my sister. “Antonia. I can’t believe you’re here. You look incredible.” I lift her tiny frame, spinning her around. I hug her tightly. She looks great. She’s even put on a few pounds.

It hit’s me that Matteo isn’t here, but I understand. After all he’s lost walking away from his marriage, this isn’t an occasion he should have to endure. Besides, he’d likely want to ensure Sydney’s safety more than ever. Given so many of us are here now, he’d be anxious leaving her behind. I pray that it’s not too late. That one day he can find his way back to her.

Turning to Luigi and Maria, I add, “Thank you for coming. This has made today even more special. I’m happier than if it was my wedding day.”

“Uh, hm.”