Page 10 of Luca

My eyes flick about the sterile room as I lie here. The lights are dimmed, heart monitor beeping, a tall shiny metal IV pole with fluids dripping into my arm, and an assortment of medical supplies on the counter by the sink. Only a few faint rays of sunlight trickle through the blinds at this late hour, illuminating another dry erase board with a different nurse’s name. She’s nice enough, but there’s no sense learning it.She’s no Jillian.

Knock, knock.

I look over to see a familiar face peeking into the room.

“Luigi. What are you doing here, my friend?”

“I wanted to see how you were holding up. I had to bring Tiramisu to bribe the girl at the desk to let me in at this late hour.” He chuckles.

“Ah, I’d give my left nut to have your Tiramisu right now.” I must be feeling better. Picturing the multilayered coffee-flavored dessert practically has me salivating.

“I think you’ve donated enough body parts for one day.” Luigi shakes his finger in my direction. “When you’re feeling better, I’ll make you a feast fit for a king.”

“Grazie. And thank you for taking care of Mimmo.”

Luigi pulls a chair closer to my bed and sits down. “Luca, you should’ve told me.”

I look at him, puzzled.

“Antonia. I had no idea things had gotten this bad.”

My head falls. I can’t help feeling I’m failing her. “She seemed to be doing okay when we first came to the states. Then there was a period where it was a bit up and down. But sometimes the depression gets so bad, Luigi. When she’s like this, all she wants to do is sleep. I can barely get her to eat. Thank goodness Mimmo is in school most of the time I’m at work. But I’m struggling to find a way to help her.”

Luigi scratches at the gray stubble on his chin. “She’s been through so much. All of you have. But her the most, by far. You’ve given up your life for her and the boy. You’re a good man. Never doubt that, Luca.”

I wish I could accept what he’s saying as truth, but I know there has to be something more I can do.

“Perhaps there’s a way I can help. My wife has been listless lately. Our kids are all gone. We see them and our nipotini once in a while, but Maria needs a greater sense of purpose. I have the restaurant, but she really only has her church friends. Why don’t you let Antonia and Mimmo come to stay? Our house is more than big enough And I’m sure my Maria would love the chance to dote on them.”

Reaching for my friend’s hand, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. “That’s very generous. But it’s dangerous, Luigi. I couldn’t put you and Maria at risk by having her there with you. I’m very careful to make sure I’m not followed to my home, but I couldn’t ask you to do that for us.”

He leans back in his chair, arms crossed. “You weren’t asking. And you act as if I’m naïve to the Messina crime family. My hometown of Palermo isn’t far from Catania, Luca.”

“I know. But an ocean is no obstacle to my father’s evil. And we have more than one crime family interested in our destruction.”

“Aww.” Luigi snorts. “I’m not worried about the Grassos. They’ll all kill each other before they get to us.”

“They nearly killed Antonia.” I snap, sitting forward in my bed.

Luigi holds his hands up in mock surrender. “Mi dispiace. I meant no disrespect, Luca. All I’m saying is that the Messina organization is a much bigger threat. Your father’s vendetta and recklessness know no bounds. The Grasso family hurt Antonia to wage a war with him. But, you and your brother, Matteo, taking your mother’s name and leaving Italy was a slap to the face of Vincenzo Messina.”

Luigi adjusts his position in the uncomfortable chair and rubs his hand over his bearded chin. “I’d be much more concerned about his wrath than Lorenzo Grasso. Chasing you from Taormia to America is too much work for that lazy Cretino. Besides, the Grassos have no use for Antonia anymore.”

My eyes connect with Luigi’s. He’s one of the few people in the United States I can trust. My brother, Matteo, Antonia, and I packed what we could and fled to America not long after Antonia’s attack. Our mother was gone, so we had nothing keeping us tied to Italy or the Messina name any longer.

We wanted no part of our father’s life. Nico, our middle brother, and the black sheep of the family, stayed behind. I’m not convinced he’s necessarily close to our father, but he didn’t appear to be as appalled at his dealings as we were. He may simply be waiting for my father to drink himself to death so he can step in if my Uncle Romeo doesn’t want to take over the family business. “It’s still very dangerous, Luigi. For you and for Maria.”

“What is this life if you don’t stand up for what is right? Eh? Just think about it. I think it could be good for Antonia. And Mimmo. That’s what’s most important? Am I right?”

He’s right. But they’re my responsibility. And it gives me some sense of comfort knowing they’re with me at the end of each day. “I’ll think about it.”

Luigi stands, patting me on the shoulder. “You look good for having surgery.”

“Yeah. It wasn’t bad. Quick in and out.” I chuckle halfheartedly.

He stops on his way to the door. “You seem off, Luca. Is there something else? Besides Antonia?”

I reach for my necklace, as if I don’t already know it’s missing. “No, it’s nothing. I’m good.”