Page 90 of Dr. Weston

Gavin looks at me warily as if he’s unsure whether or not to answer.

“He’s my father.”




My eyes open, and I see a very worried young man staring down at me.

“What happened?”

“You fainted.”

What?Placing my hands on the cool grass, I try to sit up as this kind young man places a hand on my shoulder.

“I wouldn’t get up too quickly. I tried to catch you, but it all happened so fast.”

My mind instantly goes to how weak I felt after my shower. That yoga class must have really done a number on me. And then it all comes flying back to me.

He’s my father.

Peering over at him, I analyze him with a fresh perspective. This incredibly attractive young man has features that are unnervingly similar to my husband’s. His eyes are a similar blue, though even more vibrant than Dan’s. Yet, it could be that my memory of Dan’s eyes is tainted by the constant pain I saw in them at the end. Gavin has a similar build. And while his hair color is brown, like Dan’s, it’s much darker. But maybe everything about my husband felt somehow muted in the end.

“Are you okay?”

“I don’t know.” Physically, I’m fine. I think. But otherwise, none of this feels real. It’s as if I’m trapped in some sort of nightmare.

“Should I call for an ambulance?” He seems nervous. Lord, I must’ve scared the crap out of him.

“No, no. I’m fine. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

Gavin reaches behind his neck, massaging the muscles there with an almost humorous expression on his face. “Well, I’m pretty sure it was me.”

Instinctively, I reach over to touch his arm. As overwhelmed and confused as I am by his earlier statement, there’s nothing about this boy that makes me feel threatened. I’m certain he’s just confused.

Jumping to his feet, he reaches for my hand. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yes. I think so.” I look at my watch. It’s 2:15 p.m. “Do you have anywhere you need to be right now?”

“Not really. Why?”

“Is there any way we can go somewhere and talk? I’m not sure I should risk staying out in this heat any longer. But I need answers.”

Gavin looks at me as if he’s now carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. “Yeah. I guess I could do that. But is it okay if I drive? I’m not sure you should get behind the wheel of a car just yet.”

“That’s fair. If you have air conditioning, we could probably talk there.”

The corner of his mouth lifts. “I do.” He leads the way, even going so far as to open the car door for me. Once inside, he starts the engine and cranks up the AC. “Here.” He reaches beside him and opens a bottle of water. “Drink this. It’s still cold.”

“Oh, I don’t want to—”

He shoots me a glare, and it hits me that I don’t want to do anything to cause him to leave before I can get more information from him. I quickly take the bottle from him and take a few sips. Dropping my head back against the headrest, I close my eyes and try to think of the best way to proceed. Until I simply blurt, “Why would you think Daniel is your father?”

After a few moments of silence, I turn to look at Gavin. He has his hands on the steering wheel, deep in thought. “Well, because he told me so.” He rubs his hand through his unruly hair. “Not in so many words. I can’t remember the early years very well. He didn’t visit often, but he’d come once every few months. And I only ever knew him as Dad.”

My coffee from earlier feels like it’s churning in my stomach. There’s no way this could be true. He has to be mistaken. “Are you sure you have the right headstone, Gavin? I mean, maybe you’re thinking of someone else. My Dan didn’t have any kids.”