She slides an arm around my waist and smiles up at me. “Yes. I’m starving.”
We casually make our way back to the front of the museum. Spotting Porter parked by the curb, I give him a wave before he jumps into action. Pulling the car around, he parks long enough for me to let her settle in. As I come around to join her, she places her hand over mine.
“Broadie, I hope you don’t think you have to take me somewhere ultra-fancy for dinner. I mean, if that’s what you like, I’m fine with it. But your money doesn’t really do it for me.”
“Ah. So, it’s my dick then.”
Her mouth falls open before she shakes her head at me. “I make a decent living and have Dan’s life insurance and savings if I need it. Not that I’ve touched it. I don’t need a lot of things.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear you feel that way.” I laugh. She’ll understand once she sees where I’m taking her for dinner. Lifting her knuckles to my lips, I give them a tender kiss. “I like that about you. And my dad and grandad would havereallyliked you.” I laugh. “They were that way.”
Porter pulls up to the curb next to our dinner stop. In a strip mall. Carena’s Jamaican Grille.
Poppy bounces in her chair. “Oh, this is perfect.”
I smile with pride. This dating thing isn’t so bad after all.
Escorting Poppy inside, we’re shown to a small table and provided menus. Poppy laughs, pointing to the label, DA MENU. After placing our orders for a beer and a rum cocktail, Poppy and I decide to try the conch fritters. As we continue reminiscing about our trip to Jamaica, Poppy orders the jerk chicken, asking if they can serve hers mild, while I order the Appleton Rum glazed ribs. They’re supposed to be coated in a dark rum and guava barbecue sauce. It will be a mess, but I can’t resist.
We laugh and eat Jamaican food with our fingers from a strip mall restaurant, trying not to ruin my suit jacket or her hot little dress. I’m sure the sight of us right now is laughable.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” the server with the Jamaican accent asks us.
“No. I’m stuffed,” Poppy says. “I want to rub my belly, but after I stole one of your ribs, I’d just end up with that sauce all over me.”
“We’ll try that later,” I whisper. Finishing my last rib, I catch her mouth fly open at my remark from the corner of my eye. “I’m going to go wash up before we head to our next stop.”
“Next stop?” she asks as she wipes her mouth.
“You’ll see. It’s not Rodeo Drive, but I still want to take you shopping.” I start to walk off when I notice something and step closer. Bending down, I drag my tongue along the corner of her mouth and moan. “You missed a spot.” I wink.
* * *
Who knew holding hands would be so distracting? As we snuggle into one another in the back seat of the town car, I am drawn to her like a moth to a flame. No matter how dangerous this could be, getting drawn into her world when I have priorities I haven’t sorted. Time and time again, I prove I have no control.
Leaning my head back, I realize Porter is slowing down. As the car comes to a stop, I bury my nose in her hair. “Ready to go shopping?”
Poppy gives me a curious stare until Porter opens the door for her, and she realizes we’re at a Barnes & Noble bookstore.
“There are some other quirky little independent book shops in the area, but I wasn’t sure they’d have what you’re looking for.” I waggle my brows.
“Stop!” she shouts, seemingly embarrassed.
Pulling her into me, I whisper, “I cannot tell you what a turn on it is to me that you read. Specifically, that you enjoy reading romance.”
She pulls back to look at me, surprised.
“It’s sexy as fuck.” I mouth. Leaning back in, I add, “I want you to get all hot and bothered so you have no other choice…”
She cocks a brow at me, waiting for me to finish my statement. “Then to let me take care of you.”
After walking inside, I let her have some privacy. I don’t need to make her uncomfortable. I want her to pick the books that speak to her. Heading to the suspense section of the store, I check out the new releases. I admit, it’s been a very long time since I was able to sit down with a good book.
After about an hour, I go in search of Poppy and find her holding two books.
“Only two?”
“That’s for this week.” She laughs. “I’ll be back here by Friday night.”