Page 63 of Dr. Weston

I’m giggling so hard I need to dab at the corners of my eyes. “Kat, it was like something out of a movie. I still can’t believe the coincidence. It was my first full day there, and I was dressed like Elle Woods inLegally Blondewhen I slipped on the tile at the pool and landed in Broadie’s arms in the water.”

“Holy shit, Poppy. For real?”

“Yes! I swear I thought I was dreaming.” I laugh as I recall the serious expression on his face when he said, “You dream about me?”

“Did anything happen?” she asks, her brows waggling at me.

“No. Well, we kissed once.”

“Please tell me that man kisses as good as he looks like he would.”

I simply nod.

“Oh, my, god. I can’t believe it. Are you going to start seeing him?”

“Kat. Is that really smart? I really want to. But this is the kinda guy that would make it so I never wanted to date again if it didn’t work out. Jeez, it’s taken me eight years to date after Dan.”

Kat takes a sip of her wine, a bite of cheese, and then looks contemplatively out into space. She drums her fingers on the table. “I feel like Dr. Miller would say life is nothing without taking chances.”

“Oh, I have an appointment with him on Thursday.”

Kat instantly sits up. “That’s perfect. Oh, I think this is going to be great, Poppy.”

“I also signed up for a pottery class that starts next week. Getting involved in something that interests me is long overdue. Having the class to focus on will keep my mind from being idle. If it’s going to happen, it’s important to me that we take this slow. It’d be way too easy to get caught up in him.”

“I could see that,” Kat says in a dreamy voice. “What are the odds? That he’d be there at the same time as you?”

“Yeah. I’ve thought about that too. But he was there for a medical conference. Maybe those types of resorts are on a list or something.” I reach for a piece of crusty bread and dip it in the well of olive oil.

“Never thought of that. You’re probably right.” Kat mimics my actions with a sliver of bread. “Have you heard from him since you got back?”

Shaking my head, trying to swallow, I reach for my glass. Taking a sip, I continue, “Gosh, I forgot to tell you. So I got an urgent message from Ian that my mother had been hospitalized with a stroke. I was so upset that Broadie flew me back right away in his jet.”

Kat starts to choke on her wine, and I reach over to pat her back. “You forgot to mention you flew back on his private jet!”

My head flies back in laughter. This girl is so animated. “Sorry. There was a lot going on with this trip.”

“No shit.” She chuckles. “What was it like?”

I have to stop and think. I was so worked up about Mom, I honestly didn’t take the time to really put it to memory. “I don’t know, like what you’d expect. All leather and cream interior. Fancy dressed flight attendants that look like they just left the set ofAmerica’s Next Top Model.”

Kat leans in and whispers, “And you didn’t decide to join the mile high club?” She’s dead serious.

“Did you miss the part where I said we were flying back because my mother had a stroke?”

“Oh gosh, Poppy. I’m so sorry. I got distracted by private jet. Is she okay?”

I laugh. “She’s fine. They think she might’ve had a mini stroke. But once she laid eyes on Broadie, she was as alert as I’ve ever seen her. Now he’s all she can talk about.”

Kat pops a grape into her mouth, her eyes as wide as saucers. “He came to see her?”

“Yeah. Even sent her flowers.”

“Holy crap, Poppy. If you don’t marry him, I will.”

“Uh, won’t Nick be a little offended?”

She giggles. “You’re right. Plus, I was there that day.”