Page 61 of Dr. Weston

“Oh, it’s Sara. Sara England.”

I give the operator Sara’s name, and once connected with the appropriate nurses’ station, I immediately hand the phone off to Poppy while I head to the bathroom to finish collecting my things. I try to give her some privacy, but I can’t help being concerned.

When I return to the room, she’s already off the phone, her face buried in her hands. I toss my toiletry bag onto the bed and wrap my arms around her. “Oh, babe. I’m sorry. What can I do?”

“No. You’re already doing so much. I feel terrible troubling you this way. The nurse said it was likely a mini stroke, as her symptoms have already resolved. I feel terrible that you’ve gone to all of this trouble.”

Holding her back so she can plainly see my face, I push her tousled hair behind her ears. “Are you kidding? You need to be there. It’s your mother, Poppy. It wouldn’t matter if she’d sprained her ankle. If you want to go back, we’re going back.”

She immediately buries her face in my neck, and I think to myself, this is so much bigger than some magnetic attraction. Seeing her hurting is tearing me up inside. I’m falling hard for this beauty, and I don’t need anything else to convince me.

There’s no doubt in my mind, this woman belongs to me.



“Mom,” I practically shout from the door as I enter her room. Oh, who am I kidding? I always shout, or she won’t hear a lick. But this is different. “Thank God. You look good. How are you feeling?”

“Calm down, Poppy. I’m fine. I can’t believe you cut your trip short on account of me.”

“Are you serious? I came straight from the airport.” Now that I think of it, I’m not sure how I’m getting home. When Broadie’s driver pulled up in front of the hospital, I simply kissed Broadie on the cheek, thanked both of them, and ran. Heck, I think my bags are still in his car. I drop my face into my hands. I’m a wreck.

Knock. Knock.

My head springs up, and I see none other than Dr. created from heaven above Weston, standing in the doorway. Relief washes over me like an afternoon shower on a hot summer’s day.

“Can I come in?”

“Oh, of course. Mom. This is Dr. Weston. He’s a surgeon here. This wonderful man made all of the arrangements to get me to you,” I gush.

My mother’s eyes are gleaming, staring at Broadie as if she got the last slice of chocolate pie. “Come over here, son. Let me get a good look at you.”

Oh, Lord.

Broadie seems to take it all in stride, casually walking over and sitting on the other side of the bed, close to her. He takes her hand in his and says loudly and clearly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. England.” Hell, his affection for my mother is almost as much of a turn on as his affection for me.

“Oh, my. The pleasure is all mine, Dr. Weston. Thank you for getting my Poppy here. I think you two are the best medicine a mother could ask for.”

* * *

Several days later, surrounded by piles of laundry, I try to get ready for my return to work. Mom’s back at Hanover Haven, looking better than ever. If that was a mini stroke, you’d never know it. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so scary.

Honestly, I think meeting Broadie has done wonders for her. The man has that effect on people, not just me. It’s no wonder his patients all go on and on about him.

She’s barely been back in her room twenty-four hours, but he’s sent a floral arrangement to her and a big bouquet to me. I know he’s being thoughtful, but if this doesn’t work out with us, I’m going to be devastated. How can you not fall hard for someone like him?

Folding another T-shirt, I place it on top of the stack. I miss him. I know I want to take this slow. And by all accounts he does too. Other than the flowers, I’ve not heard from him.

He’s made it very clear there are no promises for the future. His career has always been his priority. Plus, he was very honest about his need to be a better father. The last thing he needs is some old broad getting clingy.

But I still miss him. Those blissful moments with him on that trip were ones I’ll never forget. Even when I was crushed that my mother chose that very time to have a serious medical emergency, he comforted me on the plane until I fell asleep in his embrace.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

Reaching for my phone, I smile when I see Kat’s name. “Hi.”

“You’re back. How was everything?” Holy cow, if that isn’t a loaded question.