Page 47 of Dr. Weston

“Ocho Rios, ma’am.”

We drive through the city center before weaving through to what I assume is the path to the water’s edge. There are palm and banana trees lining the roadway, and cars can be found parked along the curb on either side, the owners selling products from their trunks.

We pass several resort hotels and local shops and restaurants before the driver slows and makes a left turn into the gated drive. Sitting forward in excitement, I try to take everything in. There’s a gorgeous fountain at the front of the property, tennis courts to the right, and bright turquoise water straight ahead. I’m almost giddy at the sight.

The driver pulls up next to a valet stand and parks. After my door swings wide, a kind man in a white uniform approaches with a warm towel. “Welcome. We’re so glad you’re here.”

I try to take in the swaying palm trees, the festive music in the distance, and the incredible greeting and nearly pinch myself. This place almost reminds me of that showFantasy IslandI used to watch with my mother as a child.

The driver hands my bag to the valet and heads back to his car when I remember they don’t work for the resort. “Hey, wait.” Reaching into my purse, I grab a twenty.

“No, no, ma’am. It’s all taken care of. Enjoy your stay.”

Wow. If this is the way the next five days is going to go, I’ll never want to return to my real life. Maybe the hospital should rethink their strategy for retaining employees.

“If you’ll follow me. We’ll get you all checked in.” The valet escorts me inside, and I’m greeted by a beautiful girl in a deep blue uniform.

“Hi. I’m Shayna. I’ll be getting you registered. Please, have a seat.” She offers me a welcome beverage after collecting my information, and I lean back, taking in the ocean view out of the back window. The lobby is open and decorated with luxurious settees and chairs made of teal and green fabric. There are pictures of Jamaican landscape wrapped in golden frames hanging on the walls. One counter has bottled water and fresh cookies laid out for guests, while the other has a few computers available for use. Every detail appears well thought out.

“Your room won’t be ready for a bit longer. May I show you to one of the restaurants that is serving lunch? Hopefully, by the time you’re done, your accommodations will be prepared for you.

“Yes. That would be lovely, Shayna.” Grabbing my purse and my carry-on bag, I follow her down the marble staircase until we reach the doors below. As she opens them for me, I’m hit with the smell of sea air coupled with tropical foliage. It’s a dream.A fantasy.I giggle.

Shayna turns to look at me.

“I’m sorry. I’m just so in awe of everything. It reminds me of something from a television show or a movie.”

“Yes. It’s beautiful here. And they did actually film a James Bond movie not too far from us.” She continues walking past an array of round tables which appear to be set up for an event of some kind. “There are multiple restaurants on the property. If you have the app downloaded on your phone, you’ll be able to find their hours and a copy of the menu.”

“Do I need reservations?”

“No, no. Only for a candlelight dinner on the beach.”

As nice as that sounds, I don’t plan on doingthatalone.

“Here you go. Enjoy your lunch. Take your time, and I’ll try to put a rush on your room.”

“Thank you, Shayna.”

After checking in with the hostess, I’m escorted to a small table with views of the pool and the ocean. There is festive music playing and ceiling fans circle overhead. While it’s quite warm, it only serves to immerse me into vacation mode.

The hostess advises she’ll bring the Margarita I’ve ordered shortly, but that I can help myself to the buffet. I stand and walk over to the various rows of food, and my mouth falls open. Rows and rows of decadent options. Various forms of rice, jerk chicken, and grilled vegetables are located on the first table I encounter. Looking around, I find a bread station, fruit and cheese, salad with a variety of toppings, and pita chips and an assortment of dips. They even have a grill where they’ll make your burger to order.

Filling my plate with Jamaican specialties, I turn and find a row of desserts. Ah, tempting, but no. I think I’ll have to be careful eating like this every day, or I won’t fit into any of my clothes by the time I return home.

I find my table and notice a frosty frozen drink is waiting for me. Now this is the life. I tuck into my food, eating slowly to fully enjoy the experience. Looking closer, I discover there’s a bar built into the pool with multiple tile barstools surrounding it, allowing swimmers to order their next libation without leaving the water. A resort employee is leading some type of game at the front of the pool while parents pull small children behind them on floats at the opposite end.

Taking a bite of my chicken, I’m relieved to find it flavorful without burning a hole through my tongue. I wasn’t sure my palate could handle jerk chicken.

“Can I get you anything?” a server asks.

“No. I’m in heaven.” I smile. “I’m just excited the jerk chicken wasn’t as spicy as I’d read about.”

“Oh, that’s just here on the resort, ma’am. You try it at a restaurant off of our property, and it might be a much different experience.” He grins. “Are you enjoying your stay?”

“Very much. But I literally just got here. Haven’t even checked into my room yet.”

“Welcome. Is it your first trip to Jamaica?”