Page 37 of Dr. Weston

Agnes merely shrugs.

I laugh.This woman.

“Forget Blacksburg. Maybe Ricardo has a brother who can take you away somewhere,” Agnes says.

I spend the next few hours puttering around Mom’s room, tending to her little plant, and listening to Agnes detail the pros and cons of the men she’s stalking on Bumble.Lord, help them.

“I can stay a little later if you’d like? Join you for dinner?”

“No, no, Poppy. I’d like a nap before dinner. And you need your rest, too.”

“Yes. Save yourself. I heard they were having spam and succotash for dinner.” Agnes makes a gagging noise before I turn back to my mother.

Helping her into bed, I give her a hug before promising to do better about visiting from here on out.

Taking a seat in my steamy hot Lexus, I start the engine, buckle my seatbelt, and blast the air conditioner. As I reach to plug my phone into the charger, I notice I have a new text.

2:35 p.m.


Hey, pretty lady. You doing anything tonight? My sister Rachel is watching Grace, but Nick just got called in to work. Want to meet for dinner?

3:07 p.m.


Hi. I’m sorry, I’m just seeing this. Spent the afternoon with Mom. I’d love that. You sure he won’t be done in time for dinner? Maybe we should just do drinks.

3:11 p.m.


He might. He can join us if he wants. But I’ve learned never to wait if I’m hungry. He could be a while.

3:12 p.m.


Okay, great. Where should we meet?

3:13 p.m.


Let’s meet at this new place I just heard about. It’s supposed to be really good. I’ll text you the directions.

3:15 p.m.


Sounds great. I like trying new places. Is six okay?

3:21 p.m.


Perfect. See you then.