Page 132 of Dr. Weston

“It’s an investment.”

My mouth falls open. “Are you for real, right now?”

My new husband escorts me past the cheerful staff members and down the landing toward the pool and restaurants below. Again, I take notice of how unpopulated the place appears. “Is anyone staying here but us?”


It’s then I notice the area decorated with round tables covered in white linen, vases of colorful tropical flowers, and festive music playing.


“Oh!” I clutch my chest. As I gain my wits about me, I notice several of our friends are here—Nick and Kat, Broadie’s girls, plus a few gentlemen I don’t recognize. “I can’t believe you did this. What if I’d said no?”

“We would’ve just enjoyed the resort.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

Broadie’s brows pinch together. “In a good way?”

My eyes land on Gavin standing beside Lauren, and I smile. “In the best way.”

“Oh, Poppy. I’m so happy right now.” Lauren beams up at the two of us. She’s radiant in her sleek, form fitting, satin white sundress. Her sister is dressed similarly except her dress is A-line and flowy.

Wrapping my arms around the two of them, I give them the biggest hug. My family. I can’t even put words to how I’m feeling right now. All of a sudden, I feel guilty that they weren’t there to witness their father getting married. “Oh girls, I’m so sorry you weren’t there.”

“It’s okay. We were hoping you’d say yes. When we got the message from Dad that it was a go, everyone here cheered.”

Shocked, I spin to look at Broadie. “I can’t believe everyone here knew but me.”

“No, Pop. They only knew we were celebrating how much our lives had changed. I’m sure it may have crossed some peoples’ minds, but I neither confirmed or denied what was happening. Just told the girls they could announce the news after you said yes.”

Stepping closer to my husband, I cup his gorgeous face, and kiss his big, beautiful lips. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

He tosses his head back and chuckles. “Something tells me you probably asked the same question months ago after I planned the first trip here.”

I smack his chest, beyond relieved we made it through. I cannot imagine my life without him.

“Oh, it’s my turn!” Kat squeals. She pulls me in for a one arm hug, pressing her forehead to mine. The joy that exudes from her is tangible. And it’s no surprise. She’s seen me through so many ups and downs over the last year. Katarina’s beautiful dark hair is down, tossing in the wind as she holds Grace on her hip. I barely noticed the coordinating white lace dresses they’re both wearing because of her huge toothy grin.

It’s then I realize all of the women here are wearing white dresses and the men white shirts and sand-colored slacks or shorts. Turning to Broadie, I ask, “Did you tell everyone what to wear?”

His smile is as bright as the Jamaican sun, that flirty dimple winking at me. “I told them we wanted to take pictures and asked if everyone would match.” He shakes his head. “It was Lauren’s idea.”

As I turn to look at Lauren, I’m interrupted.

“Congratulations, Poppy. I’m really happy for you.” Gavin steps forward, giving me a hug.

My heart has ached for this young man. Gavin and I had spoken so briefly about setting up a trust for him for college with Dan’s money that I was surprised when he acted on it so quickly. I’d told him if he was interested, he only needed to call Broadie’s attorney, and they’d take care of all of the details, including the paternity test. He’d later shared that he’d considered taking a test before our discussion, but didn’t know how to begin. There were too many questions he needed definitive answers to so he could move on with his life. He’d driven to the lawyer’s office that very day and went straight to the lab.

When we spoke about it later, I recall him sharing how he was anxious to try and make something of himself. To live a life he could be proud of. One that might make Dan proud too.

Faced with the impossible news that Dan, in fact, was not his father, he fell into a downward spiral. Luckily, Nick was there to help put the pieces back together. He seems to have lost that spark he had before the results returned. But I have no doubt this incredible young man will find his way. And we’ll all be the richer for having been a part of his journey.

While Gavin has become special to me, it’s not my place to pry. I’m sure he’s had uncomfortable conversations with his mother about this. Yet, unless he’s interested in volunteering what he’s found, I’ll support him in any way I can. I pondered still offering to provide seed money for college, but Nick assured me he had it taken care of.

Watching these two beautiful young people, I have to acknowledge there’s a weird alliance forming between Gavin and Lauren. They’re an odd pair, honestly. She’s so fashion forward and confident, while he’s dressed like Kurt Cobain. It doesn’t seem romantic. Heck, he’s closer to Lilly’s age. Yet, I get the feeling Broadie isn’t happy they’re spending so much time together.

Jarod walks over with his wife and kids. “Congratulations, you two. I’m so thrilled for you.”