Page 109 of Dr. Weston

“But he did it because he was nuts about you. And you wouldn’t give him a chance. Sure, he’s a spoiled rich kid who used his power to get what he wants. And he wants you.”

Looking past Kat, I watch hospital staff grabbing their meals and chatting as if they haven’t got a care in the world, while I mourn, again. Except this one is different. I didn’t lose a spouse to a fatal medical condition. I lost the dream of what could be. For a brief moment in time, a man made me feel special and adored. Made me believe I deserved more.

“Do you think you would’ve actually given him a chance if he hadn’t done what he did?”

“Yes,” I snap, feeling oversensitive. “Maybe.”Be honest, Poppy.No.

Kat gives me a skeptical look. “Look past his sin for a minute, Poppy. It has to feel nice that a man like that would go to such lengths for you.”

She’s right. There’ve been many nights I’ve almost reached for my phone, wanting to reason away his misdeeds. “It’s all a game to men like that. I was a challenge. Nothing more. And I folded like a cheap deck of cards.”

Kat shakes her head, looking disappointed. “You’re wrong. He’s crazy about you. He’s sent enough flowers to open a Cygnature Blooms satellite location at St. Luke’s.” She pauses. “And I can barely look at him.”


“Poppy, the first few days, when I passed him in the hall…” She turns away, her eyes watery. “It broke my heart. He looked so sad.”

That hollow ache in my chest roars back to life until I realize she’s using past tense. “Well, apparently, he’s recovered.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You said helookedso sad.”

“Poppy, that’s because he hasn’t been here. No one has seen him in weeks.”

Shifting in my seat, alarm bells start to go off. “That doesn’t make sense, Kat. That man lives for his career. He’d never take extended time off unless it was something bad.”

She shoots me a serious look. “I don’t want to mislead you. Neither Nick nor I have spoken with him. But any of the consults placed when he’s been on call have been returned by Jarod or one of the other surgeons. I’ve worked a bunch lately covering last-minute vacations before the summer ends. And I haven’t seen him in probably three weeks.”

I have to swallow hard past the lump in my throat. Closing the lid on my salad, I know there’s no point in trying to eat.

“He’s a good man, Poppy. He made a mistake.”

I simply nod. There’s no way I can get caught up in my feelings and go back to work.

Kat stands from her seat. “Don’t impose a harsher punishment because of what Dan did. Granting someone grace is a choice. And the way I see it, his crime was falling for you.”

* * *

“Hi. It’s taken me a while to face you after everything I’ve learned.” Twisting my tissue in my hands, I continue. “Gavin is a good boy. Well, man, now.” I squat down beside Dan’s headstone. This time, it isn’t to feel closer but rather to speak softly and feel less conspicuous.

“It’s sad what we missed out on. I would’ve liked to have seen him grow up.” A tear trickles down my cheek. I can’t believe this is what I’m jealous of. Not that he created a child with someone else. But that they had the opportunity to experience this kind, young man’s life. While they kept me in the dark.

“I’m pretty fucking mad at you. That you thought so little of me that I wasn’t worth the truth.” As the bitter words fall from my lips, my conversation with Kat comes back to me.But he did it because he was nuts about you. And you wouldn’t give him a chance. Sure, he’s a spoiled rich kid who used his power to get what he wants. And he wants you.

“You’ve made it hard to trust anyone, now.”Even myself.“Everyone makes mistakes. But what you did was huge. And for what gain? He could’ve been my only chance at being involved in a child’s life. I’m thirty-eight. I’ve spent years mourning you. You stole that from me too!”

Covering my face, I begin to weep. Every time I think I’m done grieving, there’s something else that churns up my feelings of loss. But this isn’t for Dan. And I know it. I was so close to having a second chance at love.

A hand lands on my shoulder, and I jump.

“Gavin,” I sniffle. “How much did you hear?” This unbelievably kind young man squats down, wrapping me in his arms.
