Page 104 of Dr. Weston

“Well, I can handle anything you can dish out. So long as it doesn’t involve cheating or lies.”




“Hello.” I giggle.

“Good morning.” Broadie’s sexy voice comes across the line, and I wish I could snuggle up with him.

“What? No text this morning?”

“I couldn’t wait to hear your voice. I miss you.”

“It’s been two days.”

“That’s forty-eight hours.”

“I knew you’d be good at math.”

“No, seriously. I need to see you. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

I wave at Abbie who’s entered the pharmacy, giving me a curious smile in response to the dreamy one I must be wearing right now. “Oh, yeah? This sounds serious,” I tease.

“It is. I’ve been trying to approach the subject for months, but it was never the right time. I wanted to tell you the other night, but things were too heavy. But I can’t put it off any longer.”

“Now I’m nervous. Should I be worried?”

The line grows quiet. I assume he’s been interrupted by someone at work, but admittedly, I’m a little anxious by this discussion.

“What time can you come over?”

“Is eight okay? I’m working ’til seven tonight.”

“Yes. I’ll see you then.”


Hanging up the call, I reach for a patient medication sticker as Abbie comes closer. “Nice to see you with such a big smile on your face.” She beams.

“Yeah. I kinda like it too.”

Bzzz. Bzzz.

Pulling my cell phone from my lab coat pocket, I notice a new message.

8:15 a.m.


Is it eight yet?

I giggle and put my phone away. Hoping I’ll be able to concentrate the rest of the day.

* * *

“Poppy, can you run this down to the ER? They’re all out of rabies vaccine.”