Page 86 of Dr. Weston


“Is there anything I can get the two of you, sir?” the pretty flight attendant asks.

“No, thank you, Brenda.”

“Broadie, is there any way I can get word to Kat and Nick that I’m headed back home with you? I don’t want them to worry. But my phone is in my purse, which is in Kat’s car.”

Broadie unbuckles and stands from his seat, reaching his hand out for mine. “It’s already handled, baby. My security guy took care of it.”

Taking his lead, I stand and follow along behind him as he escorts me through a doorway at the back of the jet.Holy crap, there’s a bedroom back here?The room is floor-to-ceiling cream, with a bed against the back wall decorated in a lush navy and white duvet.

“Come here.”

I move to sit on the edge of the bed beside him. I’m nervous and a bit overwhelmed at being back on this jet with him. The last time, I was too upset about Mom’s condition to really take it all in. It’s still difficult to comprehend I’m dating a man with this kind of money. Not that I ever considered that attractive. I was happy with Dan. I’d admittedly stereotyped wealthy men into an arrogant, elitist category. Yet, I’d never met anyone like Broadie.

“I’m sorry I haven’t tried harder to make time for you since we returned from Jamaica. That night with you… it was one of the best nights of my life, Poppy. I replay it often.” He reaches for my hand. “Being away made my schedule an uphill climb for a while. I’m getting caught up, but administration is pestering me, and now I have to deal with these rumors.”

“Please don’t.” I hold up my hand to stop him from apologizing. “I know how busy you are. I’m trying to focus on my art class and getting back into the things that bring me joy. It’s probably better we don’t spend too much time together anyway.”

Lifting my legs and draping them across his lap, he stills. “And why is that?”

I’m a little caught off guard by the question.Isn’t it obvious?“Well, in case it doesn’t work out.”

Broadie’s brows pinch together. “I’m working to get my life in order so I can spend as much time with you as possible. Trust me, Pop. Thisisworking out.” He leans in, dropping a kiss on my forehead. “There’s nothing I want more.”

I can’t fight my grin. “It probably wouldn’t matter anyway.” I laugh.

“What wouldn’t?”

“How much time I spent with you.” I tease the area where his dimple usually resides, hoping to coax it out. “I think about you all the time.”

That sexy smile returns, bringing that flirtatious indentation with it.Jeez. Am I falling for him or just hypnotized by that smile?

“Poppy?” he asks as he leans forward, dragging his tongue along the hollow of my neck.


“You know this is more than physical between us, right?”

“Yes.” I bite my lip to keep from squealing like a fangirl at a BTS K-pop concert.

“Can I fuck you on this bed?”

My legs instantly quiver. There’s no need to answer, my eager expression must be all he needs.

Running his hand up and down my thigh, I groan at the feeling of his mouth on my skin. “I might get a little rough with you. Is that okay?”Kiss. “That outfit has had me hard for hours.”


“Yeah, Pop.”Kiss.

“Do you go to that club because… well… are there things that women do there that you like?”

He immediately pulls away, looking serious. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable that I go there, Poppy. DPG is where I meet my friends. Nothing more.” He pauses as if fighting an internal battle over how much to share. “There was a time…”

Broadie runs his hand down his face, seemingly uncomfortable. Sitting up, he says, “I don’t deal well with stress. While I haven’t dated anyone since my divorce, I still fuck. Albeit not as often as you might think.” He turns away as he finishes his thought. He needn’t be embarrassed. He’s a healthy man with a normal appetite for sex. I’m not judging him.

He hastily turns and grabs both of my hands in his. “Pop, I get a little out of control when stress pushes me to my breaking point. While I’ve stayed away from relationships because I couldn’t commit to giving someone the time and attention they deserve, I also didn’t want my needs to create added tension. I probably shouldn’t share this, but it caused a real rift in my marriage. I don’t think it was why Camile wanted out, but it certainly didn’t help.”