Page 79 of Dr. Weston

Watching Kat’s expression is the equivalent of observing someone getting the air let out of their tires. “It was a hookup?” She belts out. “That seems odd. Did he go to all of that trouble of wooing you like that to get laid?”

“I don’t think so.” I laugh. “The date was a little over a month ago. We’ve met for coffee once. And he’s sent texts to tell me he’s thinking of me. But I knew what his life was like. It’s the very reason his marriage fell apart. I’m trying not to get carried away or push for more.”

Kat slumps back in her seat, her arms crossing over her chest as if she’s digesting what I’ve shared.

“Kat, I’m fine. Please don’t worry. Eat.”

“But, Poppy. I don’t want this man to use you. I think the world of Dr. Weston. But I only know what I’ve seen at work. Maybe I was wrong about him.”

I take another forkful. I’m not sure why she seems to be getting so upset. Sure, I’d love to see him more. But this is all new. And the man is incredibly busy. He’s trying to rebuild a relationship with his daughters. That’s his priority. I’m happy to see him when he’s as attentive as he was on our date. Not to mention, I probably needed time for my body to recover from the sexathon that night before opening the door for another.

“I think you’re making too much of this. I don’t want to dive headfirst into a relationship with a man who admits he’s had a hard time balancing his life. Plus, there’s always the chance we could burn bright and then fizzle out if it’s too much, too soon.” I take a sip of my tea, hoping I’m convincing myself as much as Kat with this speech. “Besides, I’ve started seeing Dr. Miller and returned to an art class. Between that, work, and my mother, I don’t know how much time I have for a hot and heavy relationship.”

Kat picks up her fork, and I think I’ve finally gotten through to her when she lays it back down with a look of concern. Oh, good grief.

“What’s the matter? Please don’t be worried.” Reaching across the table, I take her hand. “I don’t have any reason to doubt him.”

Kat pulls away, her earlier look of concern turning to one of distress.

Do I?

“Poppy. I don’t know how to say this.” My pasta salad suddenly feels as if it wants to come back up and join our conversation. “I heard something yesterday. I don’t believe it. But it worries me that if there’s a chance it could be true… well, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Putting down my fork, I grip the table. “Kat, you’re scaring me.”

“Please don’t be. It’s probably just the rumor mill. You know how these things get started. If there’s any truth in it at all, it gets lost the more people who get involved.”

“What things?”

Katarina takes a visible inhale. “I overheard one of the ER nurses gossiping to a few others that…”

God, she’s killing me here.

“That Dr. Weston frequents sex clubs for women,” she blurts before closing her eyes as if afraid to witness my reaction. We both sit quietly, me trying to imagine the man I know in that capacity. Kat opens one eye, her face contorted as if in pain.

“How would she know that?”

“Apparently, she works there.” My mouth drops open. “I wouldn’t put any stock in anything Ashton says, Poppy. I think she’s a complete attention hog. Everything she says is exaggerated.”

My hand drops to my stomach. I wasn’t expecting anything like this. It’d be one thing if someone heard a rumor about him with a nurse or getting back with his ex-wife. But this? “If she still works there, can’t she get fired for sharing information like this? I’d think they have contracts to protect clients’ privacy at places like that?” At least they all do in my romance novels.

“I’d think so, too.”

“Did she say what the place was called?”

“Yeah. I admit I hung around far longer than I should have, trying to gather any intel I could. She said it’s called the Devil’s Playground. But I tried to research it on the internet and couldn’t find anything.”

Dropping my face into my hands, I try to wrap my head around this. Broadie seemed to be so up-front with me about everything. But I can’t help but wonder after that night with him. Broadie Weston is a sex god. There’s no other way to put it. I honestly had no idea a man who could give me multiple orgasms existed, much less four.

“You okay?” Kat whispers across the table.

“I don’t know.”

“Let’s just say he is a member there. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s into some weird kink or anything. Or that he’s been there since you.”

I’d agree with her if I wasn’t already considering the fact that I’ve barely seen him since our one night together.

“Kat. I’m scared.”