Page 53 of Dr. Weston

He immediately stops the rhythmic movement against my skin. “Oh, you caught me.” His laugh sounds as if it carries an element of shame. “I played hooky today.”

“So how long are you here?” Gah. That sounded as if I was coming on to him.

“I’m here for four more days.” Jeez. Really? That’s some coincidence.

“You’re so tense,” he jokes as he playfully massages my shoulders with the sunblock.

Irritated that he’s able to have this effect on me, I turn and grab the lotion from him. “Thanks,” I say, hoping he’ll take the hint he can go now.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Grrr. Now I feel like a witch. I’m not prepared for what this man does to me. It was bad enough alone in my room at night. Having to touch myself to relax enough to get to sleep. And now the star of my fantasies is right behind me.I mean, for god’s sake.

“You didn’t upset me.” Now, I’m embarrassed. he’s been nothing but nice to me. “You make me nervous.” I whisper.

All of a sudden, I feel his body move flush against mine. “Me? Why?” His warm breath tickles my ear.

My eyes close at the nearness of him, before a fine sheen of goosebumps appears, mortifying me further. I simply shrug, not knowing how to answer him without making my body’s responses to him even more obvious. I’ve never known a man who could turn me on this way.

“Would it be okay to ask you to return the favor?”

“What?” I ask shocked, my mind still fixated on how aroused he makes me.

“I can’t reach either.” He taps the lotion that’s now sitting by my side.

“Sure.”What is happening here?

“Switch?” he asks, standing from his spot behind me. For the first time, I let my eyes feast on his nearly perfect form. He’s tone without being overly muscular, his abs are well defined and covered under gorgeous, bronzed skin. As my eyes meet his, there’s a question lingering there.

Oh, yeah. Switch seats, Poppy.

Hopping up from my spot, I move to the back of the chaise as he sits in front of me. I squirt the lotion into my hand and rub my palms together. Hoping he doesn’t notice the tremble in my touch, I place my hands on his shoulders and glide the sunblock over his beautiful back. The muscles dance underneath my touch, causing my breath to catch in my throat. Holy crap. If rubbing sunblock onto his back is doing this to me, I’m afraid to think what sleeping with this man might be like.

“There,” I say, patting his back awkwardly, informing him I’m done.

“Thanks.” He winks, sending another electric current straight to my lady parts. This man is dangerous. Too dangerous. If he was some rando I’d met here, it might be different. But I still have to work at the same hospital as him once I leave here.

Broadie stands, turns, and walks back toward the pool, where he takes a seat on the edge momentarily before jumping back in.

Grabbing my book, I attempt to return to my earlier passage, but find I have to reread the same sentence over and over, given I have one eye on the page and the other on the pool.Okay, so on the doctor in the pool.

I’ve managed to settle my attention back on my book as I discover I’ve reached a rather spicy scene. I thought I’d become overheated by the summer sun, yet it may be this—

“Good book?”

Alarmed at my current overly heated state, I slam it closed. “Yes. Thank you.” Now I’m annoyed. Glancing up at him, there’s a glint in his eye. There’s no judgment, just a sexy smile. I slide off of my chair and stand.


“I need to cool off a bit.” He doesn’t need to know why. As I enter the pool, I welcome the relief the cool water brings. I dive beneath the surface and swim to the other end of the pool, where a waterfall splashes cool mist across my skin. The pool bar is congested with guests awaiting their turn at receiving a refreshing libation. As tempting as it is to join them, I’m afraid I’m no match for the combination of the Jamaican sun and alcohol. I’d likely fall asleep before dinner or lose my balance and make a fool of myself.

Oh yeah, I’ve already done that.

As I swim back to where my lounger is located, I realize Broadie is dressed, with his things in hand. Giving me a curt wave, he walks away from the pool area. Has he decided to attend his meeting after all?

And why, if I wanted to get some space between us, do I suddenly feel so disappointed?

* * *