Page 50 of Dr. Weston

Turning back around, I see red. And it’s not the drink. Some tall, ripped asshat wearing nothing but his swim trunks and tattoos is standing beside Poppy’s chair.

Who the hell is this fucker?

I shouldn’t be surprised. Poppy is beautiful. And as she’s sitting there all alone, why wouldn’t someone try? But if anyone is getting a shot at a holiday tryst with her, it’s me.

Continuing to watch their interaction, I sense she’s uncomfortable. Does she do one-night stands? Is this guy her type? One thing’s for sure, he doesn’t work for St. Luke’s. I made sure none of the other winners would be here this week.

Poppy sits forward, grabbing her sandals and stands.What the hell? Is she going somewhere with him?She just met him, for fuck’s sake. Unless they met earlier in the day? Stroking the two-day growth of beard I’ve amassed, my eyes narrow.

She’s not into him. I can see it written all over her face. From my vantage point, it appears she’s attempting to give him a polite but curt brush off before walking away. But the guy isn’t taking the hint and continues trailing along beside her as if he’s not taking no for an answer.

Getting up from my seat, my protective instincts are kicking in to overdrive. While this loser is smiling down at her, Poppy’s lips are pressed in a thin line, as if forcing herself to remain cordial. I grab ahold of the seat back as I watch them walk down a dimly lit path back to the main resort.

Giving a safe distance, I cautiously follow along behind them. Until I see him put his hand on her lower back and my restraint snaps like a fallen twig beneath my feet. Without a second thought, my pace hastens. I’ve almost reached them when I’m struck from the side, landing in a bed of Hibiscus underneath something large.

“What the—”

A large hand clamps over my mouth, and my eyes fly wide until I see my assailant.

“What the hell, Stu?” My voice is muffled beneath his large palm.

“Shhh,” he instructs as he sets me free.

Turning my head, I discover Poppy and her companion are gone. I start to bolt upright when Stu pushes me back down onto the ground.

Glancing from side to side, he gives me the stare down. “For a brilliant surgeon, you’re one dumb fucker. We didn’t go to all of this trouble just to have you blow it right out of the gate.”

Shit. He’s right.

“I can’t sit by and watch some—”

Stu’s large hand lands on my shoulder. “We’ve got it covered, boss.” He reaches for my arm, pulling me up to my feet just as I see the tat covered gym rat that was with Poppy earlier, stroll past us.

“Sorry, man.” I say to Stu.

We both walk silently up the remainder of the cement pathway to the doors to the hotel, Stu in front of me to ensure Poppy isn’t anywhere in sight. As we walk onto the elevator, it hits me.

I’ve lost my fucking mind.

“Look. I don’t entirely understand what’s going on. But we’ve worked together for a while now. From what I can gather, you’ve used a lot of time, money, and resources for a chance with this woman. Regardless of what I said earlier, you’re the most intelligent man I know.”

My head drops at his words. There’s nothing smart about any of this. It’s like some love-struck teenager has overtaken my mind.And I’m not even in love.

“Women can make you do some crazy shit.” Stu’s large hand pats me on the shoulder, and I shake my head at my employee and confidant. “I’ve been there.”

“Really?” I ask skeptically.

He chuckles. “Well, nothing like this. But, yeah.”

It dawns on me how little I really know about Russell Stewart. “Did it work out for you?”

“Been married for twelve years,” he answers with a proud grin.

I knew he was married but assumed he had an ordinary relationship with a domestic goddess who stayed busy with her own life, accustomed to his absence. Not a woman who could bring this tree trunk of a man to his knees.

“Took a lot of convincing to get her to go out with me. I’d known her growing up. I didn’t have a good reputation back then. Got myself into a lot of spats. She’s a simple girl and didn’t want any part of it. But somehow, my heart knew before my head did. She’s the love of my life. So, I had to prove it to her.”

“Thanks, man. For everything. I hope I figure all of this out soon. And that you’re still speaking to me when it’s all over.”