Page 27 of Dr. Weston

“Where else would I be?” Max asks knowingly.


“I could say the same to you,” he replies.

You’d think I’d be doing just that. While I haven’t entertained in any of the private rooms in years, my afternoon with Brandee was lackluster at best. Yet, I can’t beat the niggling feeling that regardless of their beauty and expertise, I’d be left as wanting with any of these women. And there’s no doubt in my mind why.

I can’t stop thinking about Poppy.

“Not into it tonight,” I tell him.

“Yeah. I get it. I’ve got too much on my mind to enjoy it. Wouldn’t want to give some poor girl a complex that it was them and not me,” he jokes.

We sit quietly, taking in the room for a few minutes. Becket and Dev have gone in search of their late-night entertainment while Gianni returned to work.

“Something’s up with you, Broadie. What’s going on?”

Fuck. I thought I could play my cards better. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m having a midlife crisis or something. You’ll be there in a few years.” I chuckle. “I’m just starting to find my life is on a loop. Every day is more of the same. I was hoping this diversion would help.”

“Maybe you need a trip away.”

I snort. “Yeah. I didn’t go anywhere this summer. My ex and her husband invited me to join them again this year on their trip to New Zealand. So I could spend time with my daughters. We went to South Africa last year.”

“Um, what?”

“It’s for my kids.”

“It’s messed up is what it is. Fuck, thanks for reminding me why I’m never getting married.”

“Touché.” I take another draw from my cigar, enjoying the aroma. “I don’t know. Can’t put my finger on it. It just feels like something is missing.”

“Something? Or someone?”

My eyes flick to his. This guy is savvy. “No one, really.” Taking a sip from my scotch, I focus on the burn, not the odd, unsettled feeling in my chest. “She won’t give me the time of day.”

Max’s face snaps in my direction. “You?” He genuinely looks astonished.

“Yeah, me.”

“Where’d you meet her?”

Placing my drink on the glass table in front of us, I prepare for the inquisition. “She’s a pharmacist in my hospital.”

“I didn’t think you dated women you worked with? Or at all, for that matter.”

“I don’t. But there’s just something about her.”

“Perhaps she has a similar stance on office romance. One she’s more committed to.” He chuckles.

I laugh half-heartedly. “Yeah. Maybe.”

“Shit, Broadie. You really like this girl.”

“She’s a woman. Not a girl. And no. I’m merely intrigued.”

Max scratches the stubble along his chin. “Think it could be the chase?”

“No. I’m old enough to recognize that by now.”