Page 137 of Dr. Weston

“It’s because, from the minute I picked her up, I thought of you and Broadie. I don’t know why, but she never felt available.”

I swallow hard at her statement. I’ve only just met this little girl, there’s no way I can allow myself to consider something like this. “Kat, I—”

My words are cut short when Sara brings me a baby doll.

“Oh, thank you, sweet girl.”

Sara beams up at me before putting a toy bottle to the doll’s lips.

Before I know it, tears are welling in my eyes. As I turn to Kat, she’s handing me a tissue. “Do you think Broadie could come by for dinner sometime soon?” She shrugs, a hopeful look in her eyes.

“Yeah,” I answer timidly. “I think we can make that happen.”


It’s been a few weeks since I met little Sara, and from the moment I saw her. I knew. I think somehow, Kat, Poppy, and I each knew. She needed us almost as much as we needed her.

We’d immediately reached out to my lawyer as well as Sara’s caseworker to see what steps we needed to accomplish in order to make this adoption happen.

This little girl is shy but smart and sassy once you spend any real time with her. She’s staying with Kat and Nick until we can achieve everything necessary to make the adoption legal. Luckily, my attorney has pulled some strings to get our home visits and paperwork filed expeditiously.

Now, on to the next step in this puzzle.

Knock, knock.

“Hey, Broadie. What’s up?” Jarod looks up from the papers he’s holding, startled to find me holding Sara. No one in the office is aware that Poppy and I have started the adoption process. I’d never considered it before, but adoption is insanely stressful. It feels similar to that first trimester in pregnancy, where you aren’t sure you want to share the news in case something bad occurs.

“Who’s this?” Jarod stands from his chair, wearing a bright smile as he comes closer.

As expected, Sara buries her face in my neck.

“This is Sara. I probably should’ve made a formal appointment to see you, so you could evaluate her. I’m hoping you’ll consider performing her cleft lip and palate repair.”

Jarod’s eyes widen in confusion. “Me? I assumed when you were bringing her by, she was a client of yours. You take on so many pro bono cases.”

“No. I’m really hoping, as a favor to me, you’ll take on this one.”

Jarod looks confused.

It’s odd really. I’m constantly inundated with pictures of people everywhere I go. Cases where I’m certain I could change their lives by performing surgery for them. Yet, you can’t take on every case. And as much as I want the perfect outcome for Sara, I know it would be better if it was handled by another surgeon. The conversation I’d had about Jarod with Brantly Martin, of all people, kept coming to mind.

I’d trust him to operate on my daughters.I’d had no way of knowing back then how true this statement might be.

“Jarod, we’re in the process of adopting Sara. Soon to be Sara Renee Weston,” I add. Sara hadn’t been given a middle name in the hospital when she was born. So, Poppy and I decided to add Renee. It’s from the Latin name, Renate, which means born again.

“I don’t think I’d feel comfortable in this situation with anyone but you.”

“Congratulations, man. That’s fantastic.”

I beam at him before looking down at the overwhelmed little girl in my arms. “Would you consider performing surgery on your future goddaughter?”

He must be caught off guard by the question, as his hand flies to his chest as he blinks in response. “I’d be honored, Broadie.”

Immense pride fills my chest. “Thank you. When the time comes, I’ll make a formal appointment, but I wanted to meet with you first.”

Placing a kiss to her head, I’m amazed at how protective I feel of her already. She’s perfect, just the way she is. Yet the world can be a shallow, harsh place. I never want anything to cause this little girl pain.

I’ve been blessed beyond measure in this life. I grew up with a family who cared for me, a father and grandfather who provided immeasurably for me, and I managed to meet the love of my life despite myself. And now I’m about to be blessed with not just two beautiful daughters, but three.