Page 131 of Dr. Weston

Is he referring to Agnes?

“Max is who helped me with the email you received about winning the trip to Jamaica.”

“Ah. It’s all getting clearer now.”

“Sorry, Poppy.”

“All’s forgiven. Thank you for helping set this up for my mother.”

“What are you two doing there, Poppy?” Mom says with a knowing smirk on her wrinkled face.

“Something tells me you already know.”

“Well, Broadie said since your father wasn’t around anymore, I’d do.”

“You’d do for what?” I laugh.

“He asked my permission to marry you.”

I spin toward him, amazed at how he’s managed to pull this all together. “Are you okay if we Tie De Knot here without you?” I ask.

“Poppy, her hearing is so bad, she wouldn’t hear your vows any better if you were in the same room.” Agnes laughs.

“Just tell that guy to say he pronounces you husband and wife loud enough for everyone to hear it!” Mom declares.

We move over to the minister, who quickly reads through his prepared ceremony. There’s nothing special or unique. But it’s perfect all the same. Broadie spared no expense with our wedding bands. His is platinum, and mine is an infinity band decorated with the most beautiful diamonds. Heck, I really will need Stu around now.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” The minister yells. “Did she get that?”

We look at the screen to find Mom and Agnes smiling from ear to ear.

“Kiss her already,” Agnes yells.

And he does. While Broadie gives me a toe-curling kiss that feels like a prelude to more, claps and catcalls can be heard from the iPad, Porter, and Stu. Someone walks over with two champagne glasses, and we toast the moment as the photographer takes more pictures of our impromptu wedding.

As Porter pulls up to the resort I remember so well, my heartbeat starts to pick up. Who knew this place would have such an impact on me? The car stops, and a staff member from the resort opens the door, allowing me to exit. Broadie comes around the back of the vehicle to meet me just as two rows of staff members dressed in various uniforms all clap.


“Welcome back, sir.”

“We’re so happy for you, Dr. Weston.”


“Broadie Weston? Is there something you need to tell me? No more secrets, remember?”

He immediately drops his head.

“What is going on?”

“I might’ve bought this place.”


“It has sentimental value.” He smirks.

“Broadie, people buy vacation homes. Not vacation resorts.”