“I have to admit something. I was in the ER earlier to get something from Kat. And I heard you and Brantly Martin arguing.”
He shakes his head. “That guy’s a tool.”
I giggle. “I felt a little guilty. That you’d made some sort of big plans with me that you couldn’t cancel.”
Broadie comes closer, pulling me into him. “I haven’t booked anything.” He pushes a lock of hair behind my ear, placing a soft kiss beneath it. “You are my plans.”
A gasp slips out.
“That was all that was important to me.” Kiss. “Just as it should be.”
I fling myself onto him, kissing him wildly. As I pull back, I realize his face is covered in red lipstick. Yet, that perfect smile of his shows right through. Reaching for his shirt, I start to unbutton it.
“What’re you doing? You’re all dressed up.”
“Oh, have I got plans for you, Dr. Weston.”
* * *
Showered, dressed, and completely sated, Broadie and I snuggle in the back of his town car as we ride to pick up take out from Carena’s Jamaican Grille.
“I can’t believe they’re staying open late for us,” I say, my face buried in his neck.
“Money talks.”
I giggle. “Well, however you managed, I’m glad. I couldn’t have planned this evening better.”
He smiles down at me warmly. “I can’t wait to take you back to Jamaica. So I can do all the things I couldn’t the first time.”
I arch a brow at him and grin.
“Your head is always in the gutter, dirty bird. I meant spend time with you without pretending. But the other stuff sounds good too.” He chuckles.
“I’d like that.”
“Hey, what’s that?”
Broadie points to my purse, where the envelope from Gavin is poking out.
“Oh. I’d almost forgotten about that.” I can’t believe I forgot to open it after all of the commotion with Brantly and ‘our plans’ distracting me. Grasping the envelope, I lift the corner of the seal and open it. There’s a single piece of white paper folded inside.
“Who’s it from?”
“Kat said Gavin asked her to give it to me.”
Unfolding the paper, I see a small yellow Post-it attached that reads, “I thought you should know.”
Scanning the paper, my eyes land on the line at the bottom.
Daniel A. Danforth is EXCLUDED as the biological father.