Page 115 of Dr. Weston

“I love you, Dad,” Lilly says, her eyes full of tears.

Pulling her in for a hug, I try to get this morning back to a more jovial conversation. “Awe, baby. Don’t be sad for me. Things work out as they’re supposed to. Now let’s see if I can make breakfast without the fire department paying us a visit.”

Lauren smiles mischievously at me. I don’t even want to know what that’s about.


Bzzz, Bzzz.

Clutching my towel, I race for the phone. I quickly hit the speaker button once I see her face on the screen. “Hi, Mom. I’m running a little late, but I’ll be there in about an hour.” My Saturday mornings have gotten busier with my weekly yoga, my art class, grocery shopping, and visits to Hanover Haven to see Mom. Then this morning, everything changed when I got a call from Gavin asking if I wanted to meet for brunch. It threw off my schedule, but was worth it.

“Poppy, that’s why I’m calling. The place is on quarantine,” she shouts.

“For what?”

“The flu. It’s torn through the place. They’re not letting any visitors in until they get this under control. It’s a good idea. I don’t want you getting sick.”

Me? “What about you?”

“They won’t let me leave, dear.”

I giggle. “No. I understand that. But I don’t want you or Agnes to get sick.”

“We’ll be fine. I’m getting my meals delivered to my room, and Agnes says she’s too mean to get sick.”

I laugh. “What?”

“She says it boosts her immunity. Germs are scared of her.”

“Okay. Please let me know if anything changes.”

“I will. I love you, Pop.”

My hand flies to my heart.Pop. She never calls me that.

“I love you too, Mom.” Disconnecting the call, I place the phone down on the counter so I can put on some clothes. I barely know what to do with myself now that my afternoon is free.

Walking into the kitchen, I decide to put on a pot of tea. Maybe I’ll dive into a new book. It’s then I recall the delivery I found on my porch last night. I head to my office and see the book mail delivered from Amazon yesterday. As much as I enjoy reading on my Kindle or listening to Audible, there’s just something about a book in your hand.

Lifting the brown packaging, my eyes drop to the papers lying underneath. Dan’s life insurance. I’ve avoided using much of it, deciding instead to live off my own salary and save this for a rainy day. But after meeting Gavin, knowing he’s Dan’s son, it feels wrong keeping this to myself.

I’ve become quite attached to this young man. I’m aware he has a mother. I have no interest in stepping on her toes. Yet I feel oddly protective of him. Knowing Nick has mentored him gives me some peace that he has a strong male presence in his life. But I feel as if part of this money belongs to him. Dan likely didn’t make arrangements because he was worried I’d find out about Gavin. Yet the days of letting my husband’s secrets and lies get in the way of doing the right thing are over.

Knock, knock.

That’s odd. Who could that be? I run my fingers through my still-damp hair and head to the door. Swinging it open, I expect to find an Amazon delivery driver but stop in shock when I see who it is.


“Hi. I’m sorry if we’re intruding. Is there any way we could come in?”

“Of course. Please,” I say, waving them in. It took me a moment to collect myself after opening the door. But I recognize these beautiful girls from Luigi’s with Broadie.

“Thank you,” the younger one says.

These girls are absolutely gorgeous. But so was their mother. The older one has dark blonde hair and a perfect figure. She’s dressed in what looks like designer everything. Her younger sister is thin, with light blonde hair, and a more timid disposition.

“I’m Lauren, and this is Lilly.”