Page 112 of Dr. Weston

“I’ll be right back,” I toss over my shoulder as I chase them into the parking lot. Yet, Poppy is too quick for me. I don’t see her anywhere.

“Hey,” I call to the boy in ripped jeans and a faded polo shirt. Jogging in his direction, I just want to know she’s okay. “Is Poppy with you?”

“What’s it to you?”

“I only wanted to make sure she’s okay.”

“She will be.” I’m not sure what to make of this.

“Who are you?”

“Just an honest Joe.” He sneers.

Hell. He knows about me. What I did. It’s then I notice Poppy sitting in her car in the last row of parking spaces. I start to make my way there when this kid jumps in front of me.

“I don’t think so.”

“I only want to make sure she’s all right. I didn’t realize she was in the restaurant until I saw her run out.”

“That was obvious.”

Now I’m getting pissed off. “What does that mean?”

“Let’s see, from where she sat, it looked like you were out for dinner with your family.”


His brows nearly meet his hairline. “Are you that dumb? This poor woman finds out her dead husband has a son. That he spent their whole marriage playing part-time dad with me and my mother once a month. Only to watch her lying, scheming ex-boyfriend hanging out with his.”

My eyes flick back over to Poppy’s car, but she’s gone. “It isn’t like that. I was meeting my daughters for dinner. I had no idea their mother was coming. We’ve managed to remain friends for the girls’ sake. She’s remarried.”

Why am I arguing with this kid in the middle of a parking lot? He clearly means something to Poppy. I need to walk away, say my goodnights to the girls, and head home before I get myself in trouble. Turning to do just that, I stop, unable to help myself. “The only woman I care about, besides my daughters, is Poppy.”

Gathering what’s left of my dignity, I walk back into the restaurant, plop down in my seat, and drop my head in utter frustration. The closest I’ve been to her in over a month, and she runs out of a restaurant because of me.

“Dad?” Poor Lilly sounds upset.

I reach over and grab her hand. “It’s okay, honey.”

“Is that the woman from the last time we were here?” Lauren asks.

My gaze darts to Camile, who’s taking this in with rapt attention.

“Wait. Were you two a thing?” Lauren asks excitedly.

“The primary word in that phrase is were.” I’ve officially lost my mind. Why am I telling them any of this?

Camile grins.


She rubs her nails across her chest in a show of triumph. “I love it when I’m right.”

I turn to look out the front window, as if it could save me from this awkward conversation.

“You love her!” Lilly declares.

“Stop,” I beg.