Page 55 of Joey

Joey chuckled, though it was tinged with sadness. “Elliott had a painting there when he lived here. He took it with him when he moved out. I’ve never replaced it with anything, even though I should.”

“It doesn’t need covering,” Ethan said. “It looks perfect to me.”


Ethan sat on the comfortable chairs in the reception of Life in Ink and checked his emails while Joey tattooed his client. He’d received one from Meredith asking when he was likely to return, and he’d replied that he didn’t know. She had given him two weeks and had said he could have more, but he knew they were short-staffed. He hated leaving things so up in the air, but until he and Joey had more concrete plans, he couldn’t give her a more definitive answer.

He had one from David, too. Rolling his eyes because David was probably asking the same thing as Meredith, he opened it, eyes darting across the screen as he read. He went rigid when he finished.

“Everything okay?” Ani asked from her perch behind the counter.

Ethan closed the phone and rested it on the arm of the chair. Blowing out a breath, he said, “Yeah. My assistant manager is being an ass. As always.”

“What’s he done?”

Ethan stared at the phone, contemplating what he should do about it. “He’s threatening to go to the media about Joey’s…activities while he was in Whitby.”


“The work he did, where he stayed, everything he knows and has gleaned from other people. He’s always been an ass, but this takes it to the next level.”

“Isn’t it illegal for him to talk about employees?”

“Probably, but Joey was only a temp. He was just a handyman.”

Ani snorted. “It’s funny to think of Joey doing that, but I don’t know why. He’s always been doing stuff like that here.”

“I need to ask him what he wants me to do about it.”

“He’ll probably tell you to ignore it.”

“Maybe.” Ethan wasn’t so sure. He couldn’t say what David was capable of. He’d always thought the man was slimy, especially with how often he touched Ethan’s arm without him saying he could. He stood far too close to employees and guests alike, but Ethan had never said a word about it. Should he speak to Meredith?

He grabbed his phone, opening the email again.


Hope you’re doing well on your holiday.

I would like to remind you I have photographic evidence of Mr Reynolds’ actions during his time here, and I would like you to consider remuneration for keeping those details from the media.

Take your time to respond. I know you must be busy figuring out how to live in the limelight. This is just a way for that to happen sooner rather than later.

Have a wonderful time.


Ethan stopped himself from deleting the email and, instead, closed out of his account. He’d talk to Joey about it once he was done for the day. After all, Ethan was no longer alone in this. Certain decisions needed to be discussed before he could make them.

“Hey.” He glanced at Ani. “Don’t worry about it. Whatever happens, happens. You’ll both get through it. It’s nothing he hasn’t been through before.”

“I know. I just hate that I’m the one bringing it to his door.”

“Honestly, don’t worry.” She shuffled some paper. “Come on over here, and I’ll talk you through some more things you might get to do if you decide to take the job.”

Ethan allowed Ani to distract him for the rest of Joey’s two-hour tattoo session. The more he learnt about the job, the more he believed it would be a good fit for him. It would encourage the organisational side of him, and he could change things as he needed to, which gave him more scope for making the role his while still ensuring everything gets done that needed to.

“Do you know what, Ani?” Ethan said, leaning a hip against the counter. Ani raised her eyebrows at him. “Go for it. I’m in.”