Page 92 of Deke Me

“Fuck no, get your own breakfast.”

“I thought you’d be in a better mood after last night.” He waggles his eyebrows.

My face flames. “Oh, God. How loud were we?”


“Don’t embarrass my girl that way.” Blake playfully backhands Ryan.

I sip my coffee, ignoring the blush that will forever stain my cheeks. Ryan just chuckles and sips his coffee.

“I can’t believe we weren’t in any classes this semester,” Ryan says. “What’s your schedule like next semester?”

Now that I have decided to stay, I feel more comfortable discussing my classes. I prattle off my schedule, and Ryan perks up.

“We have one together. You won’t seem like a ghost this year.”

“Ha-ha. We see each other plenty.” Although we know that hasn’t been the case these past few months.

“Still, we’ve known each other all this time, and you’ve never come to any games. After a week with this lug, you’re attending all the home ones. What’s up with that?”

I bite my lower lip. It’s true that I never went. I should’ve gone to support a friend. “You never persisted.”

“Eh, I know how busy you were, plus you worked at The Pub.” His eyes narrow. “Did you quit that job?”

I look at Blake, who remains tight-lipped. “Yeah, they were cutting back hours. I think they’re closing.”

Understanding creeps into his expression. “Not surprised. But don’t think I’m going to forgive you that easily.”

“Stop. I would’ve taken Maddy with me, anyway. Although you and Maddy aren’t cutting off each other’s heads anymore. I guess that’s progress.”

He shifts in his seat, tapping his foot against the floor. His face falls into a slight frown. “I wouldn’t say we’re friends.”

I eye him for a beat, wrapping my hands around the mug. I can sense there’s more he’s not saying, something deeper hidden beneath the surface.

Blake must sense the same thing. He clears his throat and asks, “Do you think we impressed the donor enough?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Great. We need a new locker room.”

“I still can’t believe I met Dr. Alexander Steinberg.” I think I had stars in my eyes talking to him the entire time.

“You know who he is?” Ryan asks.

“I’m surprised you don’t. He’s a renewed oncologist. His internships are the holy grail of internships. They’re mainly offered to grad students, but he’s been known to invite undergrads to join his research team. God, that would be the utmost opportunity. Not that I’d have a chance.”

“Don’t sell yourself short. You impressed him last night.” Blake slides next to me, placing a plate of scrambled eggs before me. “Speaking about internships, have you heard from Memorial yet?”

“No.” I take a bite of my eggs, savoring the taste of the cooked vegetables and melty cheese to hide my traitorous, lying face. I need to come clean and tell him my decision to stay, but I can’t bring myself to do it yet. Last night was perfect. Right now is perfect. I don’t want to ruin the moment.

But I’m making the right decision. The thought of leaving Cessna U now is unimaginable. And it’s not a career killer to stay. I can still attend medical school without having a prestigious internship under my belt. I’m sure I’ll be accepted somewhere.

The phone rings, slicing through our quiet space. Blake stands, the chair scraping against the floor. He glances at the caller ID, and something shifts in his expression.

“Need to take this,” he mumbles, stepping away.

He answers the phone, but a beat later, he turns to me, face pale, eyes haunted. It’s like looking at a stranger who’s just glimpsed a ghost.