“Thinkyou got what it takes to beat me at the tourney, Duke?” Drew’s words are a playful jab as he peels his sweat-soaked jersey off. It’s Saturday, and we just got done with practice.
“You honestly think you can beat me after that open net miss you had last game?” I say, a smirk toying on my lips as I unlace my skates.
A collective ooh waves through the dimly lit locker room as it competes with the sound of equipment tossed on the floor—one of the loudest taunts coming from Easton.
“As if you’ve got room to hackle after that costly penalty, East,” Drew says.
Not one easily rattled, Easton shrugs off the remark. “I know who my money’s on, and it’s not you.”
Drew flips him off, drawing another round of laughter. “Fucker.”
Ryan shakes his head, unable to hide his smile. “We all need to keep our heads straight for the next few games and squash this talk about not being good enough on the road.”
“That’s just some bullshit,” Country adds. And he’s right. It is pure bullshit. A couple of games were barnburners. We lost by one goal and tied the first game. The media makes it sound as if they were blowouts.
We will get back on track and prove we’re contenders.
But as I head to the shower, my mind isn’t on those games or the upcoming ones. Amanda consumes all of my thoughts. Being with her at her grandma’s house changed something inside of me. I’ve had it so damn easy my entire life. Here I’ve been whining about my billionaire father wanting to make me CEO of his company while Amanda struggles with life necessities: food, rent, transportation, and health care. My privileged path pales in comparison to what Amanda and her family went through.
What sacrifices have I made?
Until Dad dropped his bombshell request, I’d gotten whatever I wanted. Even now, with the lingering threat, I will win this skills competition and play in the NHL. And sure, the win will be for me and the dream that’s been mine since I laced up my first pair of skates, but it’s still me getting what I want. It’s still me being on top of my game.
Is my life perfect? No. But I wouldn’t fucking die from a treatable disease. Nor would I have to walk two miles in the fucking snow to catch a bus to work.
I don’t know how Amanda does it. She’s the strongest person I know—having to endure the constant bullying from rich pricks and sacrificing her beliefs in exchange for a good education. My stomach churns at the thought of her watching her mom deteriorate before her eyes, but I admire her strength. For what would’ve gutted me, she turned the tragedy into a goal to give back to the community that holds those bad memories.
I turn off the shower and dry off quickly, the cold air of the locker room chilling my skin. The banter and laughter around me fade into background noise as I get dressed. My mind still fixates on Amanda and the looming possibility of her leaving for Boston. I can’t stand in her way, but the idea of her being miles away haunts me more than I care to admit.
But selfishness tugs at me, tightening that knot in my chest. I don’t want to let Amanda go. Not now. Not when I’m in too deep.
She has to get that internship at Memorial. She deserves it more than anyone else I know.
Ryan stands beside me, vigorously rubbing a towel over his damp hair. He pulls on a fresh t-shirt and turns to me with a raised eyebrow.
“Did you fly to Amanda’s grandma’s house for Thanksgiving?” His tone is teasing, knowing I haven’t had time to discuss it since he returned late Friday night.
“Yeah.” I try to sound nonchalant, but my voice betrays me. “I did.”
Ryan chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief. “Wow, you’ve got it bad for her.”
I shrugged, still trying to play it cool even though my heart was doing somersaults. “She’s … different.”
“Different, huh?” Ryan winks, nudging me with his elbow. “I can see that. You’ve been walking around like a lost puppy since you got back. I’m beginning to think I was worried about the wrong person falling hard.”
I shoot him a mock glare, zipping up my duffle bag. “Shut up, man. It’s not like that.”
But deep down, I know it is exactly like that. Amanda has seeped into every corner of my mind and heart, making me question things I never thought I would like, what I truly want out of life beyond hockey, and my family’s expectations.
As we leave the locker room and step out into the chilly autumn evening, Ryan throws an arm around my shoulder, steering me toward the parking lot. “So, when are you gonna make her official? Or are you planning to string her along forever?”
I shove his arm off playfully, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. “I don’t know, man. Timing’s everything.”
He nods understandingly, unlocking his car with a beep that resonates through the deserted campus. “Just don’t wait too long. You never know what could happen.”