Page 72 of Deke Me

“I’m gonna come,” she gasps, her eyes fluttering shut.

That’s all it takes for me to follow. Amanda milks every inch of my cock, her release sending shivers through my body. I thrust one last time, my cock pulsing inside her as pleasure races through me. I bury my face in her neck, whispering dirty things into her ear as I come down from my high.

As our breaths slow, she holds the blush-beaded dress against her waist. “This one’s perfect, isn’t it?”

“It most definitely is.”

We stand there for a moment longer, caught up in the moment. Whatever this is—fake, real, somewhere in between—it’s working. And I’ve got a feeling it will only get better from here.



My legs beginto bounce as the familiar neighborhood comes into view. Blake places his hand on my thigh. It has the desired effect.

“Excited to see your grandma?”

“Yes.” But I also can’t believe the guy who lives in a freaking castle is at my childhood home. I close my eyes and take a calming breath. By the end of this trip, Blake will know everything about me. That’s both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

The Uber driver pulls in front of Grandma’s house. There’s no retreat now. I may as well own my past.

I point to the single-story house wedged between two brick apartment buildings. “We’re here.”

Blake’s expression is unreadable as he studies the house. I don’t even want to know the thoughts swimming in his head right now. The landlord has done the least number of repairs possible. Cedar shake siding discolored by mold needed to be replaced twenty years ago. The peeling paint on the metal porch railing needs to be scraped and repainted.

But none of that matters as the door swings open and my grandmother steps outside.

I spring from the car with my arms open wide. “Grandma!”

“Come here, sweetie.” We embrace what feels like years in the making. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her. She still smells like vanilla and home.

When we finally pull apart, Blake stands there with our luggage.

“Grandma, this is Blake Morton.” I wave my hand between them. “Blake, Kathy Hoyt.”

“Nice to meet you, ma’am.” He extends his hand to shake. Ever the gentleman.

“None of that ma’am business. Just call me Kathy.” She turns toward the house. “Grab your bags and come out of the chilly air.”

“Grandma, why didn’t you tell me your car broke down?” I only found out when I called to let her know our flight schedule. Who knows if she would’ve ever told me.

“That isn’t your concern.”

“But how are you getting to work?”

“I make do.”


“I take the bus.”

I pull out my phone to send money. “How much do you need?”

“This is why I didn’t tell you. It’s not for you to worry about. Besides, it’s a lot more than you have.” She glances at Blake, who’s standing off to the side. Lord only knows what is going through his mind. “I’ll make do.”

“Grandma, it’s a two-mile walk to the bus stop. What are you going to do when it gets colder? How much do you need?”

“I’ve got it handled. Now go get settled.”