Until then, I still have hope. And I’ll cling to it with every last fiber.
“Where exactly are you taking me?”Amanda turns toward me, her expression curious.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” I merge into the flow of traffic.
We’re headed to a nearby consignment store where I’ve arranged for a dress swap. But this one comes with a twist. We’re the only ones participating, and all the dresses came from one of my father’s clients. It may cost me more than the listed price and require some bargaining with the owner, but it’s the only way I can think of to convince Amanda to let me buy a dress.
She deserves the best, and damn it, I’m going to provide.
“Okay, but I can’t stay out too late. There’re a few things I need to do, and then I wanted to organize my notes for the finals.”
“This won’t take long. I promise.” I lace our fingers together and bring them up to my mouth to plant a small kiss on them. “I’m sorry I have to cut our Thanksgiving short.”
Coach sprang a Saturday practice on us after our tough losses over the weekend. I had to move my flight to Friday. Since we were no longer coming home together, I switched her flight to Sunday so she could spend more time with her grandma. Unbeknownst to her, I bumped her to first class.
“I hate that you guys lost, but thanks for thinking about me. It’ll be nice spending more time with Grandma.” An easy smile played at the corners of her mouth as her face became whimsical. That look, right there, tells me I did the right thing.
“Anything for you.” I can practically feel her sigh against me.
We drive in silence for a few more miles before I turn off the interstate, our destination not far away.
“Have you thought about what to wear to the Gala yet?” I ask, even though I know the answer. Maddy confirmed what I had suspected about the funds. When I mentioned wanting to do something without making it seem like charity, Maddy suggested I set up a dress swap. It turns out anything is possible with cash and a few phone calls.
“No, not yet. I’m running out of time, though. Maybe I can go shopping when I’m in Boston.” She bites her bottom lip, drawing my gaze to her plump lip. Oh, how I want to be the one biting it. I shake off those thoughts. I don’t need to be thinking about how sexy her mouth is when she comes on top of me.
“What if I tell you that’s one less stress off your ever-growing list? Everything’s done.”
“Done?” Amanda echoes, disbelief coloring her tone.
“Yep. You’ll have the perfect dress by tonight.” My grin is as wide as the campus quad, imagining the look on her face when she sees what I’ve pulled off.
We pull into the consignment store’s parking lot. Her mouth falls slack when she registers what is happening.Yep, fucking beautiful.
“Blake, you don’t have to?—”
“Nuh-uh,” I cut her off with a laugh, palms raised. “No takebacks. This is happening.”
She shakes her head, a genuine laugh escaping. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
“Believably resourceful,” I correct her.
“Thank you,” she says, simple and sincere, and it’s a slam dunk feeling, better than any game-winning goal.
I push open the door to the local resale shop, a bell tinkling overhead. The scent of cedar and lavender wafts through the air, mingling with the faint mustiness that clings to all things vintage. We’re greeted right away by the owner.
“You must be Blake?” the kind woman asks.
“Yes, and this is Amanda.”
“Ah, yes. I’m Camilla. I have everything set up for you in the back.
“Hello, nice to meet you.” Confusion still coats Amanda’s face, no doubt wondering how this woman would know me.
“Likewise, honey.” Camilla spins on her heels and steps forward. “If you follow me, I’ll take you to the showing.”