Page 59 of Caught Looking

“Are you putting in one hundred percent? I told you not to lose focus. This isn’t a time to slack. You need to—”

“Dad, I’ve put in the work. I’m trying here, okay? I’m doing my best.”

“Try harder.”

There’s a pause before I hear a frustrated growl followed by, “I’ll meet you at the hotel.” Footsteps pound against the concrete, but I only hear one set. A female sigh resonates down the hallway.

“I know you have his best interest at heart, but must you be so hard on him?”

“He has wanted to play ever since he could hold a ball in his hand. He’s talented. I’m just trying to make him live up to his potential.”

“But you’re pushing him away from the goal, not closer.”

“It’s the only way I know how to be with him.”

“I know it’s hard, but sometimes you need to tuck the coach in you away. Remember, you’re a dad first, then a coach.”

“I just want him to succeed.”

“And he will. Or he won’t. It’s on him.”

“You’re right. I’ll talk to him.”

Fuck, his dad really is a good one.

My insides clench at the obvious regret in his long exhale. Jealousy mixed with a hint of intrigue consumes me. Not once has my dad ever shown remorse. Jason has no idea how lucky he is.

I don’t know what comes over me. An illness maybe? Or have I lost my damn mind? Yeah, that must be the reason. Temporary insanity is the only sensible explanation for turning around and marching straight to Coach’s office. But I know what it’s like to be a constant disappointment. I know what it’s like having a dick of a father. I know how it feels to not be loved by the guy you’re supposed to look up to. Jason may not realize it, but that isn’t what he is going through. He has a decent father who obviously cares but just goes about it wrong. His dad wants him to succeed. And these reasons are why I’m not surprised to find myself knocking on Coach’s door.

“Come in,” the gruff voice belts through the door.

Yep, I’ve completely lost it,I think right before I walk in.

“Dalton, what can I do for you?” Coach hides the surprise on his face and motions for me to sit. I oblige.

“Can you start Jason in Saturday’s game?”

He leans back in his chair and tosses his pen on the desk.“Is there an injury I’m not aware of?”

I clench my teeth as I straighten my stance. Asking for this favor is a lot harder than I realized. I could fake an injury as a cop out, but then I risk Coach catching me in a lie. There have been enough of those floating around. I go with the truth. “His parents will be here to watch him play. It would mean a lot to him if he was to start and ease the tension from his dad.”

Silence stretches over the longest pause in history. I’m not the fidgeting type. Usually, nothing bothers me, but Coach’s constant assessment has me needing to refrain while tiny sweat beads break across my forehead.

“You know scouts are going to be present?”

I take in a long, deep breath and slowly release it. I did not know that, and now, I want nothing more than to take back my words, but this is beyond me right now. Playing in Saturday’s game would mean everything to Jason. He needs a shot. The same shot I need, but I’ll get another opportunity. I hope.

“That would be even better for him. Not to mention how it would make his dad feel.”Which better be nothing but pure joy.

Coach’s eyes widen in disbelief. “I have to say, that’s highly unselfish of you. And I’ll take that into consideration.”

“Our opponent’s record is on life support. I doubt we need my bat.” What am I doing? He gave me an out. I did my part. Why push it?

“I’m impressed you did your homework.” Coach tilts his head, his gaze growing more intense. “I’m proud of you.”

There it is. That stupid fluttering in my gut. It doesn’t last long. Coach wouldn’t be proud if he knew his daughter’s mouth was wrapped around my dick last Monday. But as generous as I feel today, I’m not confessing. “Thank you, sir. Jason’s a good guy.”

“That he is.”