Page 130 of Pirate Girls

“Deserve who?” someone asks.

I startle, looking over at my uncle Jared walking into the garage. Quinn stands outside, wrapping A.J. in a bear hug. I forgot she was back for the weekend.

I blink away the water in my eyes as Dad clears his throat. “And uh, remember,” he tells me, “women need to be primed before intercourse.”

I jerk my eyes to Dylan’s father and then to mine.What?

“You know, get her body ready,” he goes on. “A little foreplay. Sounds like you’re figuring it out anyway. Good job.”

I dart my eyes to Jared again, the pinch between his brow deepening.

“And don’t forget to bring a towel into the bedroom beforehand, either,” my dad says, “because then you have to leave to go get it, and that’s a hassle. Women like men who bring their own towels.”

Jared turns his head slowly toward me, his scowl darkening, because he’s no doubt seen the picture of his daughter and me coming out of the bathroom too.

“And get in that habit quickly.” My dad won’t fucking shut up. “Because after our first time, we’re doing itallthe time. Like frickin’ rabbits.”

Oh my God.

“Would you like some condoms to take back to Weston with you?” he asks.

I blink long and hard, feeling Jared’s glare, and I get the hell out of there. Walking back to the door, I dive inside, hearing tools drop to the floor, a scuffle, and my dad’s laughter. “Dude, you’re wrinkling me.” I slam the door shut.

Son of a bitch. Seriously.

Maybe I really should stay in Weston. His jokes are going to get me killed here.

Steering toward the kitchen, I see my mom sitting at the island, working on her laptop. Her reading glasses catch the light of the chandelier, and her hair lays over one side of her head as she looks down, taking notes.

“Take some food with you?” she asks, already knowing I’m here.

She looks up and gestures to the two glass Pyrex dishes with lids stacked on the counter.

“That’s actually great.” I inch in. “Thank you.”

She nods and goes back to jotting down whatever she’s researching.

“And thank you for trusting me to be on my own over there,” I say.

“I think that’s what your brother needs.” She keeps writing. “Some time to build life skills, like cleaning his own bathroom, washing his own sheets, cooking some meals…”

I know she’s trying turn my absence into something positive, but I know she wouldn’t choose for me to learn anything by being separated from her.

“What should I have done better with you?” she asks, finally looking up again.

I give a half-hearted shrug, not because I don’t know, but because it’s not her fault.

Parents are parents. Human like everyone else. They project their own dreams and hopes, standards and expectations, because it’s innate to worry that we’ll never figure it out on our own. We’re all screwed up by our parents to some extent, but there was never a time when I didn’t know how lucky I was. Never.

I lean my elbows down on the island. “How about a haircut?”

She smiles and reaches over, digging scissors out of the drawer.


At least Hunter didn’t keep backup with him in the Falls. When he said he had something to do, I worried it was because he wanted to see Kade. I hope he does. I’m just glad he seemed to go wherever he was going alone because the Rebels would only encourage a fight.

But Hunter went his own way, and the rest of us stopped at Breaker’s for cheeseburgers on the way home. They’re getting drunk in the street now, but I need a shower.