Page 89 of The Devil You Know

‘Aye, a hundred per cent. I didn’t even know what it meant, so I googled it. Compromising material for blackmail, I seem to remember.’

‘When did you overhear them talking about it?’ said Janie.

‘Not long before Pa went missing.’

‘Where were they?’

‘In the kitchen at the old house, I think.’

Max nodded at Janie. ‘We need to go. Frankie, you’re going somewhere safe with Tavish and Steve. We’ll come and see you as soon as we can.’

‘And then what?’

‘Then we do this properly, with a lawyer, and somewhere properly safe.’

‘Is the deal still on?’

‘Aye, of course.’

‘Even though I know nothing?’

‘You know plenty, Frankie. You just don’t know what you know,’ said Max, clapping him on the shoulder.

‘Despite being polis, you two buggers are okay, really.’ A smile stretched over Frankie’s face, which was pale and lined with fatigue.

‘Get some sleep, we’ll see you later,’ said Max.

He and Janie stood up to leave.



‘Get the bastard, won’t you? Not just for me, but for that poor wee lassie. She deserves justice.’


JANIE DROVE THEVolvo with her customary skill as they hit the Slochd Summit on the A9, the main route linking the Highlands with the central belt of Scotland. The sun was emerging from above the horizon, the light hitting the summits of the ice-capped munros, transforming them from dull grey to bright, burnished orange. They were heading south towards Edinburgh.

Max sat in the passenger seat, his notepad open in front of him, his phone clamped to his ear. Barney was in the back of the car, his laptop open, Droopy’s bagged phone at his side, as he tapped away at the keyboard, a look of intense concentration on his face and an unlit roll-up in his mouth. ‘Sure I can’t light this? I work better with a tab on the go,’ he said, looking up from the keyboard.

‘No, you bloody can’t,’ said Janie.

‘I can’t believe you even asked, Barney. How’s it going?’ said Max, through a yawn.

‘Worth a punt, mate. I’m almost ready to go with this phone malarky, it’s all set up.’

‘Okay, hold fire a minute, I’m just waiting for Ross to answer.’

‘He’ll be struggling with hands-free in’t van, which, incidentally I can’t believe you persuaded me to let him drive,’ Barney said, shaking his head.

Max was chuckling when Ross eventually answered with a load of background noise, and muffled curses. ‘Fucking shite thing. Ah, fucking … how’s this piece of crap work?’ This was followed bysome beeps before Ross managed to answer the phone. ‘What’s so fucking funny? Bloody blueteeth system is shite, whatever happened to a radio, eh? Max, what’s bastard going on? I’m stuck on my own, driving this hunk of shite that stinks of pish and rich tea biscuits, why couldn’t I come in the Volvo?’

‘You know why, we need Barney with us, and you’re not known for your running ability in case we need to chase the bugger. Just saying that we’re ready to send the message,’ said Max, grinning at Janie.

‘Are we sure this’ll work? It’s our only shot.’

‘Barney thinks so.’