Page 88 of The Devil You Know

‘So, what do we need to do? We’ve no idea who The Ace is, and our main link is now dead. At least we’ve plugged the leak in the team.’

‘I’m not so sure about that.’ Ross’s eyebrows bristled, and his eyes were hard.


‘Who told The Ace that the debrief location was Lochinver?’

Miles just stood there, stunned. ‘Could it be Malky?’

‘Unlikely. Two messages into Malone’s phone, one we know is from Malky, the other is from The Ace. I’d say they don’t even know each other exist. We can check phones and the like, but there’s no doubt about it, someone told The Ace that the location was Lochinver. Malky was just giving Malone the layout of the place. We still need to keep this as tight as a duck’s arse, Miles. Literally no one outside my team, the Chief and you can know about it. There has to be another leak, somewhere, either a cop, or the NCA. No one else knew about the debrief location.’

‘Ach, fucking hell. I’m getting sick of constantly chasing our tails here. Whenever we think we’re making inroads there’s another corrupt bastard trying to screw things up. What do you suggest, bearing in mind we have no time at all to play with?’ Miles loosened his tie and undid the top button of his shirt.

‘We’ll come up with something, don’t fret. I’ve a psychologically damaged ex-Met DS, an uptight, ex-public-school DC, a potty-mouthed analyst and an ageing, freeloading ex-spook on it. We’re bringing this bastard in, boss. That’s a promise.’


MAX AND JANIEwere sitting in the crew room at the fire station, just over a mile away from the police station. Frankie was sitting in front of them, a mug of tea in his hand and the imposing form of Tavish next to him. Frankie looked pale and tired, but he stared open-mouthed at them when they explained what exactly had happened.

‘So, fucking Droopy actually came for me. He was going to bust in the cop shop and fucking waste the lot of us?’ His face was white as a sheet, which only accentuated his blood-shot eyes.

‘Aye. We’re lucky that we got wind of it, and were able to get you to safety. We need your help, and we need it now, Frankie. Shit’s happening, and we need to know what you know.’

‘How about a solicitor?’ he said, but Max could tell his heart wasn’t it.

‘Frankie, we just need what you know in quick time. We need to find out who the bloody “Ace” is, and we need to know now before he gets wind that Droopy is dead. What evidence did your dad have on The Ace?’

‘Look, I want to help. I really do. You lot saved my life, and you’ve been dead straight, but Pa and Tam never really trusted me. I’ve never seen it, but I know he had something huge on someone who became big and powerful, but I don’t know who it is.’ He took a long sip of his tea, and rubbed his cheeks with trembling hands.

‘You must know something, no matter how small. We have to find this bastard, Frankie. He had an innocent woman killed, he’s killedyour brother, he’s killed Slattery, Mitch and others. He won’t stop. You’ll never be truly safe with The Ace willing to pay out serious money to have you silenced.’

‘But I don’t know anything,’ Frankie said, his voice rising several octaves.

‘That’s as may be, but he doesn’t know that, does he?’

‘Oh fuck. I’m screwed.’ Frankie buried his face in his hands.

‘Come on, man. There must be something,’ said Janie, a touch of irritation in her voice.

‘Look, all I know is what I heard. Pa telling Tam about some kompromat that he had on The Ace. Something that would finish them off for good, as it was proof that he ordered that lassie killed six years ago. I’m sure he’d have handed it to Tam once he knew he was dying.’

‘Where was it kept?’ asked Max.

‘I don’t know where he kept it, but I saw it once. Just a small computer card in its wee plastic case with “Ace” written on it in Sharpie. I heard him saying something along the lines of, “contents of this will really fuck the bastard up”. Pa was really careful with his computer, and his secrets generally. He would tell Tam stuff, but never me. I was just muscle. Being the best fighter in the family didn’t mean I had status.’



‘You used the word “kompromat”.’

‘Aye, that’s what Pa called it, and so did Tam Junior.’

‘How about Davie?’

‘I heard him say it, but I don’t think he even knew that much either. I certainly don’t reckon he knew the identity of The Ace. All he did was dispose of the girl’s body.’ He paused to sip from his tea.

‘You’re sure he used the word “kompromat”?’ said Max.