Page 76 of The Devil You Know

‘Why?’ said Max, looking at her shadowy face, only just visible in the gloom.

‘Because you attract trouble. Commonly known as a shit magnet.’

‘You’re not the first to say this. Come on, let’s go inside, did you clock the cop in the Lexus at the front?’

‘Aye, not that subtle I’d say. Are we sure this is the best place for this kind of job?’

‘Less chance of a leak, I guess.’ Max opened the door, flooding the car with light, and got out. He opened the back door and grabbed his hold-all and they walked around to the front of the tiny police station. The Lexus window buzzed as it wound down, and a well-muffled face spoke from the inside. ‘Max and Janie?’

‘That’s us.’ Max and Janie both passed their warrant cards through the open window, and he studied them briefly with a small torch.

‘Cool, chap the door, and Danny will let you in.’ He picked upa radio handset and spoke. ‘Two expected arrivals here, coming to the door now.’

Max nodded and they approached the door, which swung open, and a sturdy-looking man appeared in the doorway. ‘You guys okay?’ he said as they entered.

‘Aye, all good, I’m Max and this is Janie.’ Max extended his hand.

‘Danny. Jimmy’s over there, and Baz is out the back sleeping, and manning the custody desk, making sure Frankie’s looked after, is Sergeant McCallister.’ Danny pointed at a uniformed cop, who smiled across.

‘Steve, please. All informal in here.’

‘How’s Frankie?’ said Janie.

‘In good spirits, I’d say. Nae crabbit at all, and seemed delighted with the food I gave him a ways back. A local lady from the Lochinver Larder sent some pies over. There’s some for you in the wee kitchen, and you’ll not eat a better pie, I’m telling you.’

‘Sounds great, I’m starving,’ said Janie.

‘You’ve the run of the house attached as well. There’re camp beds upstairs and everything you need.’

‘Is there a local cop?’ said Max.

‘Not this week. Mannie from Lairg is covering in case of anything else, but we have old Tavish in the village,’ said Steve.


‘Aye, he’s a local fisherman, and he’s also a special constable, reserve fireman and on the shout list for the lifeboat. A busy boy and a real character is Tavish. He’ll help out if we need anything, like.’

‘That’s good to know. How about the lawyer?’

‘Gave her the final directions an hour ago, so she’ll be here quite soon, I imagine. She sounded quite haughty, I must say.’

‘Haughty?’ said Janie.

‘Aye, like she no’ suffers fools gladly, an’ that.’ The sergeant grinned.

‘You’re stuffed then, Craigie,’ said Janie and everyone chuckled.

‘Right, a quick word with Frankie, just to say hello, and then we’llwait for his solicitor. All I intend on doing today is going through the agreement with him, letting his solicitor consult, and then we’ll get a proper start tomorrow, and have a full day of it,’ said Max.

‘Sounds fine to me,’ Steve said, standing and reaching for the keys hanging from a hook on the wall.

The three of them went into the corridor, and Steve opened the door. ‘Frankie, visitors.’

Frankie was sitting on the bed, a mug of tea in his hand and an empty plate with a knife and fork on it next to him.

‘How are you, Frankie?’ said Max.

‘I’m fine, especially after that pie, Steve. That made the whole bloody trip worth it, despite four hours in that car with a flatulent, but fast driver.’