Page 74 of The Devil You Know

They both stopped and looked at their boss.

‘Be vigilant, okay? It seems like he’s come over to the side of the angels, but when all’s said and done, he’s still a Hardie.’

Max and Janie just nodded, and left the room.


THE ATMOSPHERE INthe conference room was tense and febrile as Ross sat at the far end of the table, DCC Louise Campbell and DCS Miles Wakefield both staring at him accusingly.

‘I must say, I really don’t like being kept in the dark here. Policing Standards Reassurance are assisting, but I have responsibility for solving these murders. And now out of nowhere, you reveal strong evidence against this character Malone, and also identify the sniper, who is now conveniently dead. The body count is bloody ridiculous in this case and we’re no closer to getting who’s responsible for them.’ Wakefield glared.

Campbell shifted in her seat, and nodded. ‘I’m minded to agree, Ross. It feels to me like Miles is being forced to do his job with one hand tied behind his back. He should be the decision maker on all aspects of this case. Why are we just learning that you have new and significant evidence against Gordon Malone from the prisons team?’

‘Only just found out ourselves recently,’ said Ross with a shrug.

‘And the sniper. When did you learn of this?’ she added.

‘As I said, just minutes ago. Is the Chief coming to this meeting?’ asked Ross.

‘He’s at Holyrood at the moment, so it’s me you’re dealing with, DI Fraser, and I’m not happy about your progress here. When is Hardie being debriefed?’

‘Starting today. Max and Janie are on their way to the debrief site, and Hardie will be there soon with his NCA armed escort team.’

‘I’d like to have sight of the risk assessment for this. We can’t afford another cock-up like the last one,’ said Campbell.

‘Well, we had nothing to do with that one, ma’am. I’m satisfied that the risk management processes are tight. We have four armed officers, and the site is secure, and covert. Hardie is still being kept according to prison rules, and we have a trained and experienced custody officer who will be managing his detention.’

‘I’d still like to see it, make sure it’s forwarded to me.’

‘Of course, ma’am,’ said Ross.

‘And I want all material your team holds forwarded to Miles. He’s overseeing all MIT activity so it’s imperative he’s not kept in the dark.’

Ross nodded, his face blank.

‘Where is the debriefing site?’ said Wakefield.

‘Lochinver Police Station. It’s been set up with a custody officer, the cell has been reinstated and we have a video-enabled interview room.’

‘I hope this is being kept on the proper downlow,’ said Wakefield, scrawling in his notepad.

‘It is. His lawyer doesn’t even know fully, yet. She’s been told enough to get on her way, but that’s all.’

‘I’m not happy about this, DI Fraser, and I’ll be speaking to the Chief Constable as soon as he gets back,’ Campbell said, her cheeks spotted pink and her eyes flaring with indignation.

Ross just shrugged, trying desperately not to smile, but his eyes twinkled with mischief.

‘Make sure all evidence, and intelligence is shared with Miles, as a matter of urgency, and don’t go home. I’ll need to speak to you once Mr Macdonald returns. Now, get out of here.’


THE BMW ANDLexus swept into Lochinver, on the northwest tip of Scotland, on the edge of, predictably, Loch Inver after a four-hour drive taken for the most part at eye-watering speeds. It was late afternoon when they eventually pulled up outside what looked like a typical whitewashed semidetached house opposite the loch, and a stone memorial of a kilted soldier. It was only the presence of a marked police van, and a small blue-and-white sign over the door marked ‘POLICE’ that gave any indication as to the building’s purpose.

The afternoon winter sun was dipping down towards the horizon over the loch, casting burnt orange colours across the flat, calm surface.

‘So, this is what we’ve spent four hours in the car for? A shite whitewashed house that looks like it belongs on a scheme in Paisley?’ said Frankie, stifling a yawn.

‘Perfect for our purposes, Frankie, and look how bonny the sunset is, eh? Ya dinnae get this in Shotts,’ said Jimmy.