Page 52 of The Devil You Know

‘Shit. That’s the motive right there. We need to tell Heather and get this moving.’ Ross picked his phone from his pocket, and started to dial.

‘Hold up, don’t touch that dial. That’s the last thing we should do, Ross,’ Max said quickly. ‘This is a direct lead into who ordered Slattery’s killing, and I would say who ordered the killing of Davie and Leo too. Look at what’s happened. How did they know precisely where and when Hardie would be? Someone clearly tipped off Hardie’s rescuers, and someoneelsetold the sniper about it. That someone is a cop. We keep this to ourselves. The boss is back tomorrow, we tell the Chief that we want to handle Frankie, and we investigate who paid to have Slattery and Davie whacked. We get the answers to that, and we probably get closer to the source of the leak if we can get him lumped up, bugged up, tracked and traced, eh?’

Ross knotted his face in a frown as he pieced it all together. ‘Good call. So, what do you suggest?’

Max waggled his fingers in an approximation of quotation marks. ‘“Thematic review.” Speak to the Chief, his ears only, and get the green light to do our thing. With the DCC in the picture and flexing her muscles we need to be authorised, or it could get intensely political,’ Max said.

‘Ah, bugger it. Okay, make arrangements to go and see Frankie, and start poking around, subtly. Get Norma to get her pal to dig into that new account as well, any other transactions will be interesting.’

‘Of course, Ross. Always subtle we are.’

‘Aye, which is what worries me. I’ve seen your subtlety; it normally ends up with people getting shot in the face.’

‘I promise that won’t happen,’ said Max, grinning.

Ross opened his mouth to counter, but a ping from his pocket stopped him. He picked out his phone, and his eyes creased in amusement.

‘Something funny?’ said Max.

‘It’s gonna get lively. The Chief’s back and wants to see me at Tulliallan right now. Whatever you guys had planned, best cancel them, I suspect we’re gonna get even busier.’


CHIEF CONSTABLE CHRISMacdonald looked pale and wan behind the suntan as he sat behind his large desk in his open and airy office at Tulliallan. Unusually, he wore a yellow polo shirt and creased linen shorts. ‘Now, Ross, you can probably tell from my casual attire that I’ve come straight here from the airport, and I suspect that my wife is as pissed off as Mrs Fraser gets when you’re burning the candle on both ends, as you often do.’

‘That’s not possible, sir. In fact, to be able to grasp Mrs F’s mood today, you’d have to imagine Satan himself with a bad case of piles and an ingrown toenail that he’s just stubbed.’

‘That bad, eh?’ said Macdonald with a smile.

‘Worse, boss.’ Ross’s head shook almost imperceptibly.

Macdonald’s smile widened. ‘Then I’ll consider myself fortunate. So can you give me everything you have? All of it. I understand from Miles that there may be some slightly non-standard evidence-gathering going on from your team?’ His well-trimmed eyebrows raised at this point, the meaning clear.

‘What do you want to know, boss?’ said Ross, his eyes narrowing. He and Macdonald had a long shared history, joining the police at around the same time, and working together on many occasions. They had few secrets, and each knew when the other was bullshitting.

‘The lot. Unvarnished, good and bad.’

Ross told him. He told him everything, including the fact that Max’s original source was a little ‘off-books’.

‘So, it was DCC Campbell’s decision to exclude you?’

‘Aye. I think the fact that she’s the lead for professional standards makes our existence a little confusing to her,’ said Ross, carefully.

Macdonald steepled his fingers together and supported his chin with them. ‘Well, suffice to say that as far as I’m concerned, you are still operational, and you remain under my direct control, is that clear?’

Ross just nodded.

‘I’ll speak to DCC Campbell now, but what’s the deal with Barney? She got quite upset about him. “Disrespectful, misogynistic and a potential security threat” were the terms used.’

Ross chuckled. ‘I don’t think she liked him calling her “love” but he’s an old Yorkshireman, boss. He sometimes calls me “love”, and occasionally “pet”. As for a security threat, that’s utter nonsense. Barney has been at the centre of the covert world since we were in short breeks. His integrity is beyond reproach, he’s just skint.’

‘House repossessed, I’m told.’

‘Aye, but I think he basically just forgot to pay his mortgage, or something. He enjoys a wee flutter, but really, he just has no time for what most people call a traditional life, having lived out of a suitcase for about fifty years. He seems to actually quite like living in his daft van, tinkering with his gadgets. In another life he’d have been a hippy. But he’s highly decorated, and moreover he’s the bravest and most skilled operative I’ve ever worked with. He’s vital to us, as he’s demonstrated time and time again,’ said Ross, his voice firm.

‘Must be cold in that van,’ said Macdonald, a smile playing on his lips.

‘Baltic, but he’s okay. One thing he doesn’t do is moan. We didn’t even know until recently that he’s had a prosthetic leg for years after getting shot. He’s actually registered disabled, and has a blue badge for the van, hence parking it out the front of this place, much to the chagrin of the DCC.’