Page 86 of The Devil You Know

‘This is a live investigation and there will be no further updates until family members of the deceased have been informed.’

More to follow …

The Ace looked at the scant report and smiled. WhatsApp showed that Droopy had been online quite recently. Maybe this whole bloody situation could soon be over.


ROSS WAS ONthe phone to Norma about the recently received phone data when DCS Miles Wakefield had arrived with Malky Douglas at the wheel of a small Hyundai saloon.

Ross listened to Norma’s report, feeling a tightness in his stomach, as he looked around him. ‘Thanks, Norma. Miles and Malky have just turned up, can you relay everything you just said to me to Max? He’s in the van with Barney and Janie.’

He hung up and surveyed the busy crime scene as he approached Wakefield. CSIs were working under the harsh lights that had been erected. There were cop cars enforcing a strict cordon, which fortunately was simple enough to manage, as the village was essentially a long road, with the sea to one side.

As soon as they had arrived, Miles had sent Malky off with a list of questions to get answered for his briefing with the Chief.

‘How about the media?’ said Ross.

‘The Chief and the press office have sold the usual line. “Ongoing incident, public warned to be vigilant, no more updates until families of victim updated.”’

‘That’s nicely vague. Is the DCC handling the press?’ said Ross.

‘No, Chief’s on point from home, DCC is out of range on her phone, but she’s not on call tonight. She’ll hear about it when she wakes up. The press release will keep them at bay for a while, but we need to move fast.’

‘Okay, look, Miles. We clearly have a bent cop on the inside andclose to the investigation. We’ve kept any details of what’s happened here totally quiet, but we have to go further. Whoever is on the inside here needs to believe that Frankie Hardie is dead. So, we keep the press release brief and anodyne, and keep what happened here totally off the radar, yeah?’

‘We’re on it already. Chief’s press strategy is tight, and nothing has gone out on the net, and there will be no further info releases either inside or outside the force without my authorisation. Can’t be any clearer than that, eh?’

‘Good, my guys are ready for the next phase.’

‘Fortunately, with the geography of this place we can easily have big cordons and keep any press who venture this far north at bay. So, what is it that you couldn’t say earlier?’

‘We have a live phone for The Ace. I’ve just heard from Norma now that it’s cell-siting in Edinburgh.’


‘Aye. Droopy had a burner, and it had received a message from it. Looks like he was giving the location away.’

‘But I thought that Droopy tracked the solicitor’s car?’

‘Aye, he did, but it seems The Ace found out directly from someone else as well, and they’re not talking to each other. Droopy wasn’t satisfied with just getting his info from The Ace, he’s got someone on the inside of the investigation as well.’

‘What?’ Miles looked at Ross, his mouth agape and eyes wide.

Ross just shrugged, pulling out his phone that had buzzed in his pocket, just as Malky joined them. ‘I’ve a report for you, boss,’ Malky said.

Ross looked at the DS, who had his phone in his hand as he ran through a list of actions that were in hand at the scene. ‘Scene’s under control, the body is staying in place until daylight and arrival of PIRC and pathologist. Forensic tent is up, and scene cordons are all in place. I’m hearing that one of the raiders is dead, where’s Frankie?’

‘Thanks, Malky. Who’s doing production retention?’ said Wakefield.

‘Not sure yet, but DCI Davies isn’t far away, and she’s with the core team.’

Ross looked towards the petrol station at Barney’s van, visible in the low streetlights. He tapped his fingers on the phone and composed the message.Now.

Ross pocketed his phone and looked at Miles and Malky as they spoke. Suddenly there was a buzzing that came from Malky’s pocket. He flinched, just a touch, but carried on speaking, but his eyes gave him away as they flicked from side to side. He was scared.

‘Why don’t you answer the phone, Malky?’ said Ross, his eyes flint-hard, his voice low and menacing.

‘I … it’s my personal phone, I’ll leave it for later, boss,’ he said, his voice cracking.