Page 51 of The Devil You Know

‘I agree. My core jobs are all allocated, so if you don’t mind, maybe your guys can sneakily look into it, despite what Miles just said. I think his decision is bollocks, so if there’s a connection, we need to find it. I wish you could concentrate on that.’

‘Ach, maybe we’ll have a wee poke about, there’ll be something linking it all, there always is. Miles only likes to investigate what he can see and touch. He doesn’t like theories.’

‘You may cop some flak?’

‘I’m used to it, Heather. Don’t worry about Miles, we’ll find the link before he realises that we’ve been looking for it, and then he’ll have no choice.’ Ross nodded, and smiled, and then walked over to Max and Janie, who were chatting conspiratorially in another corner of the room.

‘What are you two buggers planning?’ said Ross as he approached them.

‘Nothing. Talking about boxing,’ said Janie, but her eyes told a different story.

‘Bollocks. Spit it out.’

‘Galbraith at the jail.’

‘I thought as much, is your pal on prison liaison? Phil something or other?’

‘Yeah. I spoke to him about our concerns for Frankie.’

‘Shit, I’d forgotten about that. Tell me he’s not dead, please,’ said Ross.

‘He’s not dead, in fact they have him locked down tight, waiting for us to advise. There’s something else.’

‘Go on,’ said Ross, eyes narrowing.

‘Frankie wants to see a cop, and he’ll only see Max.’


‘I know, that’s what I said.’ Max shrugged.

‘Is Galbraith gonna go after Frankie as well?’ said Ross.

‘No, Galbraith’s been moved to double A cat and he’s at a different nick, anyway. He’ll never get near anyone again, but Frankie thinks it’s only a matter of time before someone else makes a move. He wants to speak to us, and he wants to speak to us straight away.’

‘Can your mate set that up for tomorrow, covertly?’

‘He normally covers Saughton, but he’s making the arrangements with Shotts as their liaison cop is on leave. He’ll be waiting for us and only needs an hour’s notice,’ said Janie.

‘Okay, as soon as you can tomorrow morning. We need to know what Frankie knows. You also said something about Galbraith?’ said Ross.

‘Aye, Janie was thinking. He’s terminally ill, nothing to lose, but Norma went off and used her initiative.’ Max scratched his head.

‘Shite, I hate it when she does that. What did she do?’

‘She nobbled a pal of hers in the NCA to do some basic financial checks on Galbraith’s family members, and it turned up something interesting.’ Janie paused.

‘Shite, woman, stop being so bastard obtuse, just spit it out, it’s not am-dram.’ Ross’s eyebrows bristled.

‘His mother received a large amount of money, from a new bank account, yesterday.’

‘How much?’

‘Fifteen grand …’ Max interjected. ‘It was marked as a car sale, but guess what?’

‘Stop pissing about and tell me, ya fud.’

‘No cars registered at her address, she’s never had a licence and she lives alone.’