Page 94 of Sleet Princess

“I don’t know.”

We’re both starting to panic.

“It’s only my second game.” He glances around like he’s worried someone will see him.

“I’m sorry!”

“They’ll fire me if I don’t go out there.” He shifts his weight and winces again.

I want to tell him I can talk to the owner, but I don’t actually want to do that.

“Can we call someone?” I worry my hands together. “There has to be someone.”

He shakes his head. “It’s too late. The game?—”

He doesn’t have to finish the sentence. Because we both hear it.

The thundering music.

We look at each other in horror.

There are only minutes left before the announcer introduces the starting lineup.

Then the game starts.

“Can you skate?” the man asks me.

“Me? Kinda.” My breath starts coming in faster pants.

“Kinda will work,” he replies as he grips my shoulder. “Help me over there.” He gestures to a door across the hall.

“Works for what?” I ask with dread in my voice.

We hobble together the handful of feet, and he pushes the door open, revealing a large storage closet.

The music changes.

He hops through the doorway. “We have two minutes.”

The door shuts behind me. “Two minutes for what?”

“Before you need to be on the ice.” He reaches behind his back and starts to pull down a zipper. “You’re Blizz tonight.”

My brain blanks for a long second.

You’re Blizz tonight.

I start to shake my head. “No. I can’t.”

“You have to. Or I’m gonna lose my job.” The yeti suit pools around his ankles, and he sits on a crate. “Help me with these laces.”

I drop into a crouch to help him remove his skates even as I keep shaking my head. “Seriously, I can’t do this. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

I could still run upstairs and talk to the owner, but it’s not like I have any actual sway around here. And a whole lot of people will notice Blizz is missing. And an angry crowd is never a good thing.

We get the skates off, and he kicks the suit the rest of the way down his legs.

He holds my wide-eyed stare. “You said you can skate.”