Page 89 of Sleet Princess

“Nothing!” I reach up and grip my hair.

Benny looks around, probably for help. “I don’t understand what’s happening!”

Hands still in my hair, I tip my head back and groan at the ceiling.

I’m losing my mind.

This is what losing your mind feels like.

“Our boy is upset that his wife is at that game, but he isn’t,” a woman says. “I’d say make him a decaf or a triple shot. Just don’t tell him what you choose.”

Slowly, I turn my head to see a woman with curly red hair piled into a bun on the top of her head and a smirk aimed my way.

“Meghan.” I greet her.

My eyes slide to the other person sitting at her table, but it’s not her husband, Ash. It’s a woman I don’t recognize whose hair is buzzed short and who is also wearing a Biters jersey.

“Luke.” Meghan lifts her mug in a mock toast.

I turn back to Benny, pull a twenty out of my wallet, and set it on the counter. “Her plan sounds good.”

Benny keeps his lips pressed together as he gives me a thumbs-up.

Meghan has a laptop in front of her, so I’m not sure if she’s with a client, but I still approach her table.

If she was trying to have a professional event-planning meeting, she wouldn’t have shouted at me from across the shop.

“Can I join you?” I don’t bother mustering up a smile. I think it’s obvious to everyone in the city that I’m not having a great day.

Meghan nods. “Take a seat. Luke, this is Kerissa.” She gestures to the woman sitting across from the chair I pulled out.

“Hi, Kerissa.” I drop into the chair, and I don’t miss the way I’m nearly eye level with the stranger.

“Hey.” Kerissa smiles. “Benny talks about you guys all the time. It’s nice to meet you.”

My brows go up. “Benny?”

“Yup.” Kerissa pushes her chair back. “Sorry to ditch, but I gotta go let our cats out.”

Our cats.

“No worries. See you later,” Meghan says, and I lift my hand in a wave.

And then, like a toddler seeing something new for the first time, I stare, wide eyed, as Kerissa walks around the back of the counter and grips Benny by the face before pressing her lips forcefully against his.

His arms go around her waist, and when they shift, he disappears from sight altogether.

Benny isn’t short, but his lady friend is pushing six feet.

Meghan chuckles beside me. “That was a bit much.”

“I know,” I agree. “Who kisses like that in public?”

“I was talking about you.”

I turn toward her. “Me?”

Meghan lifts her coffee. “You and your meltdown over Benny’s choice of clothing.”