Page 78 of Sleet Princess

“Where?” I whisper, the rest of the question stuck in my throat.

Even from several feet away, I can recognize what’s in the video he’s showing me.

Because it’s me.

Me, on my dad’s phone, in what must be video surveillance from the elevator Luke and I took up to my hotel room.

The camera angle is from the opposite corner.

It’s a side view.

It’s clearly Luke.

And it’s clearly me.

And even though we’re fully clothed, it’s… Well, it’s graphic.

My leg is lifted and hooked around Luke’s thigh as he holds me open, grinding into me.

My hands are all over him.

His hands are all over me.

And it doesn’t take a doctorate in assumptions to know we’re moments away from having sex.

“In public?” Dad hisses, and I don’t know if I’ve heard him this mad before. “Have you lost your mind? The board is already breathing down my neck over nepotism, and you go and do something like this?”

“Dad—” I glance from his face back to the phone he’s still holdingout. The camera shot changes from the elevator to us stumbling down the hallway. I avert my gaze. “We weren’tin public. Those should never have been shared.”

Dad finally lowers the phone. “You know better. Or I thought you did.” He shakes his head. “Maybe you’re not ready.”

Panic cracks through my frozen state. “No, Dad, it’s not like that.”

“Really? You’re going to go withit’s not what it looks like? Because it looks like you’re hooking up.In public.” He emphasizes those two words. “With a professional athlete.” He throws his hands up. “At least it’s some hockey player and not one of the Biters.”

I wince, knowing the professional athlete connection makes this worse.

“They’re calling it The Hockey Player and the Heiress.” He shakes his phone again. “It’s playing on ESPN.”

Oh god.

“Please.” I try to make him listen to me even as I feel myself spiraling. “Dad, it wasn’t just some hookup.”

Movement fills the doorway behind my dad.

My gaze darts over to a pair of familiar dark eyes as Luke steps into my office.

And I know what I have to do.

I can only hope Luke will understand.

“We got married,” I blurt out. “I’m sorry for not telling you. And for the videos. But it isn’t some sensational one-night stand caught on tape. It’s a couple on their wedding night.”

“You’re married?” Dad’s head jerks back like I hit him, and I feel even worse than I did a second ago.

I nod, refusing to look over his shoulder. Not willing to watch Luke’s expression as I keep going. “We love each other, and we wanted to get married without making a spectacle of our relationship.”

Dad huffs. “I’d say you made a spectacle.”