Squeezing my eyes shut,I slap at my phone on the nightstand, the alarm piercing through my brain.
When I finally hit it, I drop my face back down on the pillow.
I’m never drinking again.
My head pops back up, and I squint at the time on my phone.
“Shit,” I hiss and force myself to sit up.
I have to be on my way to the airport in an hour.
I squint harder.
Forty minutes.
Extra shit.
Luke is still snoring behind me, so at least my snoozing alarm didn’t wake him up.
Hurrying, I roll out of bed and scurry across the large bedroom to the attached bath.
My suitcase is still open on the bathroom floor from when I dropped it off earlier and changed shirts, so I lock the door behind me and move straight to the shower.
As the water heats up, I strip off the pajamas I put on halfway through the night when I woke up, sprawled across Luke, needing to pee.
With my head pounding, I go through the motions, starting with taking a few painkillers and chugging a bottle of water.
The shower is too fast to enjoy, and I make a mental note to come back and really appreciate this suite with Luke sometime.
Feeling slightly better, I dry off and check the clock.
Twenty minutes.
I’m heading straight from the airport to a meeting, so as much as I don’t want to, I put on my full routine of makeup and take the time to dry my hair.
Not wanting to straighten or curl the wave, I smooth some product over my tresses and twist it up into a bun.
Dressed in black pants and a navy silk shirt, I step out of the bathroom and scoop up my discarded clothes from last night, along with my slushie cup.
I bring it all back into the bathroom, so I can pack them into my suitcase, when I hear my jeans crinkle.
Dropping the rest, I stick my hand in the pocket of my jeans.
The folded piece of paper sparks a blurry memory of leaving the dance party last night, but I can’t remember what it was for.
So I unfold it.
And my mouth drops.
Chapter 59
“Luke!Oh my god, Luke, wake up!” Natalie’s voice finally breaks through my dream.
“Huh?” I lift my head, then groan. “Oh fuck.” I drop my head back down, feeling like I was hit by a truck.