Page 64 of Sleet Princess

She beams up at me. Her cheeks are red, her eyes are a little glassy, and she sways when she nods up at me.

Heat bubbles in my chest, and I give her hand a sharp tug.

“Luke!” Natalie falls into my chest with a laugh, her free hand gripping my side.

I lean down and press my lips to hers.



A third time, and I’m kissing her smile.

“I want you naked,” she demands against my mouth.

My cock jumps in excitement over the implication. And I agree with it.

It’s time to get Natalie to the hotel.

I pull my mouth away and drag Natalie down the little hall and out of the secret party.

We stop and get our slushie cups back from my new friend, The Bouncer, who congratulates us for some reason. Natalie helps me slip the thin parts of the cups under my belt, so the pair is secured against my side like a pair of slushie pistols and I don’t have to hold them. And instead, I rest my arm across Natalie’s shoulders.

Natalie leans against me, and I lean against her.

We make it to the street.

We smile when we pass the slushie bar.

We sway as we work our way around the casino we started in.

I hold her tighter as the hotel comes into view.

“I need to get my bag.” Natalie bumps into me as she says it.

I press a kiss to the top of her head as we enter the building. “No problem.”

When I head toward the front desk, she tugs on my arm. “It’s in my room.”

I let her pull me in the direction of the elevators. “You got a room?”

She nods, her eyes bright as she looks up at me.

And when we press the button for the elevator, I let myself feel the feelings building inside me.

The need. The want. The desire to be around her.

“I don’t want you to go, Princess,” I say quietly.

She looks up at me. “I’m not going anywhere, Player. We can spend the whole night together.”

“You’re damn right we’ll spend the night together, Green Eyes, but I meant after this. I hate that you don’t live near me.” I admit the truth that’s been eating at me since we parted ways in Mexico. “I want to see you more often than this.”

She bites her lip and looks at me with mischief in her eyes.

“What?” I ask.

She pauses for another moment, then smiles. “I’m moving to Minnesota next week.”