Page 62 of Sleet Princess

I tap my fingers on his firm pecs. “I like this part of you.”

The man smirks as he flexes his chest. “I like you liking it.”

“Tell your partner you love them,” the DJ says.

Luke’s smirk pulls into a devious grin. “I love you, Green Eyes.”

He just says it.

So easily.

Like he means it.

The hummingbird in my chest wraps her wings around my heart and squeezes.

I can feel my blush, but it’s so warm and dark in here that I hope Luke can’t see it.

He wiggles his brows, his happy expression going nowhere as he urges me to say it back.

I curl my hands into his shirt. “I love you, Mr. Muscles.”

The crowd keeps swaying, the synchronized dance easy but fun.

“Now tell them you’ll be true. That your ho era is over.”

Laughter bubbles across the room.

I tug on Luke’s shirt, making him bend closer. “My ho era is over. Yours better be too, Player.”

Humor and something softer cover Luke’s features. “I only have eyes for you.” He slides his hands up and down my sides. “My pretty Little Royal.”

We’re already closing the distance between us when the DJ speaks again, something more about happiness.

Luke presses his lips gently against mine.

Then the DJ shouts, “Now make out like you mean it!”

There is no time to smile. And no need to be told twice.

Our mouths open, and I slide my hands up and around the back of Luke’s neck.

The haze consumes me, consumes us, as his tongue presses into my mouth.

He tastes so good. Like strawberries and champagne.

I love you.

I hold him tighter.

I want to hear him say it again.

I want him to say it because he means it.

Emotion tries to strangle me, so I open my mouth farther.

Luke groans against my mouth, and I can’t stand it anymore.

I need him.