Page 57 of Sleet Princess

I shimmy my shoulders against him, like I can burrow into his chest. “I like this.”

He chuckles, the sound reverberating through me. “Me too, Princess.” He kisses my hair again. “Now come on.”

Luke drops his arms from around me, and I shift so I’m standing on my own without leaning against him.

A bearded cheek brushes against mine as Luke leans down. “I’ve been meaning to tell you.”


A large hand slides down my back until it’s gripping my ass. “You look fucking amazing tonight.”

My already warm cheeks heat even further.

Luke has only ever made me feel good about my body, so I wasn’t too worried about wearing such a formfitting outfit around him, but it’s still good to hear.

“Thanks.” I turn toward him. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

Luke gives me a satisfied look, then takes my hand. And without saying goodbye to anyone, he leads me in the opposite direction from where they all came in.

I think I hear someone shout his name, but neither of us turns around.

It was fun to meet Luke’s friends. They were all super nice, with Jackson probably being the mostnormalof the bunch, but I can see why Luke gets along with them.

I didn’t know what to expect, knowing he was coming over with his teammates, but I kinda figured he would do the introductions, then want to leave. Or, like some guys I’ve been out with, introduce me, then expect me to stand there silently.

Luke wasn’t like that.

We all talked. Mostly about how I felt about attending my first game, but then it morphed into normal stuff. Chatter among friends.

My heart squeezes at how easily Luke included me, and that happiness seems to kick my buzz up a notch.

I glance up at the sexy man next to me and squeeze his hand.

He slows his stride. “Sorry. I’m used to walking with those beasts.” He tips his head back, referring to his teammates.

“Beasts.” I snicker. But he has a point, since all the players are over six feet tall, Luke included. Then I squeeze his hand again. “I wasn’t trying to make you slow down.”

“No?” he asks, flexing his fingers around mine.

I shake my head and admit, “I just wanted to.”

He flexes his fingers again.

I’ve been to Vegas many times for work meetings, but I’ve onlybeen out on the strip once. It was years ago for a friend’s bachelorette party. And it was not my thing.

But now, as we weave, slightly unsteadily, through the casino floor—the chimes of slot machines surrounding us—I’m thinking it was the company. Because I’m enjoying every second of being here.

Luke pauses, looking around, then he turns to the right.

I follow along in silence, watching the people as we go and trying not to breathe in the cigarette smoke that billows toward me from a stranger’s mouth.

Finally we reach an exit and step outside.

The noise level around us decreases, and I take a deep breath of the outdoor air.

It’s cold back home, so I let my intoxicated self revel in the warm temperature.

We keep walking, my hand still engulfed by Luke’s larger one, keeping me at his side.