“This is the sort of leadership I want to see.” Natalie’s dad beams down at us with tears in his eyes. “Owning your actions and moving forward.”
Natalie lifts her head and looks up. “Thanks, Dad.”
I grip her hands, and we get to our feet, turning to face her father.
“You’re welcome.” Mr. Wagner wipes at his cheek. “You have six months to work your current position and enjoy being newlyweds. Then I’ll start the transition of making the company yours.”
Pride slams into my chest.
Natalie’s mouth drops open, but mine pulls into a grin.
My Princess is about to take on her dream. And I’m going to be behind her every step of the way.
Epilogue One
“I’m proud of you, Lucas.” Mom pats my arm before taking it. “This is a beautiful spot to marry a beautiful girl.”
I smile down at my mom.
She knows this is a renewal, but since she wasn’t at the real wedding, she insists on treating this as one. Natalie insists it’s cute, so I’m prone to agree.
“Thanks, Mom.”
She squeezes my arm. “She’s a wonderful woman, a good person. But so are you. You’re a good boy, and you deserve her.”
“Thanks, Mom,” I say, quieter this time.
Mom flew up to Minnesota three weeks ago, renting an apartment a few blocks down from our place for the month.
She did it because she wanted to get to know Natalie before ourwedding. And I should have seen it coming. Their connection. The instant feeling of family.
It only took two dinners before my mom told Natalie she could call her Mom if she felt like it.
And it only took another week before Natalie did it.
It was simple.
Our own Sunday brunch, as we were all having seconds.
“Would you like some more coffee, Mom?”
Natalie said it, and then all three of us burst into tears.
And now I’m pretty sure Mom is going to go back to Colorado and try to convince my aunt that they need to move back up here.
I take a deep breath of the floral-scented air.
Next to me, Mom straightens her shoulders and takes a deep breath. “I’m ready.”
Luke and his mom appear at the end of the aisle, stepping out from behind the wall of blooming flowers.
I pull Meghan into my side. “You did a good job, Banshee.”
She wiggles against me, causing her sequin dress to sparkle in the afternoon summer sun.