Page 162 of Sleet Princess

But my fingers only brush hers before she disappears.

My body jerks as I gasp awake.


I roll onto my back and slap a hand over my heart, trying to slow it.

I slowly inhale and push the nightmare out on the exhale.

Before I turn my head, I know what I’ll find.

An empty bed.

I rub my palms over my eyes.

I’m going to make myself crazy with this.

I just need to talk to her.

Feeling ridiculous but not caring, I roll over to her side of the bed and press my nose into her pillow.

It smells like her shampoo.

Smells like her.

I should’ve set an alarm so I could’ve gotten up with her. But it’s my sleep-in day. No practice. No game. So I didn’t wake up early, and now I’ve missed her.

I lift my head and look at my clock.

Natalie’s big meeting starts in an hour.

I sigh and accept that confronting her this morning would’ve been a bad idea.

With a groan, I push myself up and out of bed.

It’s not that I expect our talk to go poorly, but I can’t know for sure. So tonight will have to be soon enough.

I shuffle to the bathroom, going through the motions, but when I put my toothbrush in my mouth, a spot of color catches my eye.

I stare at it for a long moment before I reach out with my empty hand to grab it.

It’s still in my palm when I spit the toothpaste out of my mouth, and I continue to stare at it.

Natalie’s wedding ring.

She left it at home.

She never leaves it at home.

Chapter 123


I pacemy office one last time.

This is my decision.

I take another deep breath.