Plus, I think his practice and game calendar is saved on his computer. I know we can’t leave until the season is over, which is a few months away, but if I have his schedule, then I can work out the whole thing while keeping it a surprise.
I prop the laptop on the couch armrest, then curl my legs to the side and open the browser.
It takes me a moment to remember the name of the resort we went to, but I find the site quickly.
The room I had was nice, but a higher floor with a view of the ocean would be even nicer.
I stop my scroll when I see something called thePrincess Suite.
Well, that couldn’t be more perfect.
As I click to see the photos, a text box pops up in the corner of the screen.
When I grabbed Luke’s laptop, I hadn’t considered that it would be synced to his phone. I’m not trying to snoop, but my eyes move on their own.
Jacob: What’s up, dick?
I think that’s his cousin. The one who got married the same day mine did.
I’m too far away to hear if the shower is going yet, but it’s not like I need to reply and say Luke is busy. It’s just a text. Luke can reply later.
I move the cursor to delete the text box.
Jacob: You squared away that mistake marriage yet?
My hand stills.
Mistake marriage.
Not accidental.
Luke: Not yet.
My eyes jerk up, looking down the hall, but Luke isn’t there. He must be responding before getting in the shower.
Jacob: Well, if you need motivation, Molly is back in town. And I heard she asked about you.
A sick, heavy feeling settles across my chest.
Who is Molly?
Luke: Molly?
See, Jacob, no one cares about Molly.
Jacob: Molly… Your first love.
Your first love.
I press my lips together.
We weren’t each other’s firsts. That shouldn’t hurt so much.
And I shouldn’t be reading this.
Luke: Isn’t she married?