Page 155 of Sleet Princess

Then he does something with his feet because he’s suddenly at my side, facing the same way I am.

“Ready to go faster?”

I start to shake my head, but Luke’s hand is already pressing into my back.

He applies pressure, bringing me with him as he speeds up.

“One more time,” Luke says. “Then we can have the hot chocolate I brought.”

I put my fists on my hips. “Do you mean to tell me you’ve had hot chocolate this whole time?”

He nods. “And if you can spray me, you can have it.”

I purse my lips, then shrug.

Either I accomplish it, or I crash into him, and he cushions my fall. Basically a win-win.

“Alright.” I drop my fists.

We’re about fifteen feet away from each other.

Luke is standing still, his pretty yellow hat covered in a layer of snow.

I start to skate.

It’s just enough distance for me to get a bit of speed. And then, when he’s only a couple feet in front of me, I do the maneuver he’s been teaching me for the past half hour and skid to a stop, my blades perpendicular to his, sending a spray of shaven ice across his legs.

Luke lets out a whoop as I turn toward him.

“I did it!” Without thinking, I throw myself against him, wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug.

Luke doesn’t fall. Of course he doesn’t. He just wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me as he hugs me to his body.

My skates dangle above the ice as I bury my face against his fleece-covered neck.

“I’m proud of you, Little Royal,” he murmurs as he holds me a little tighter.

And I squeeze my eyes shut a little harder.

Luke starts to skate with me still in his arms.

I cross my ankles and bend my knees, keeping my feet out of the way as we glide over the ice. And it feels like flying.

“Thank you, Player.” My words are quiet, but I know he hears them.

Luke rubs his cheek against the top of my head. “You did so good.”

Maybe this feeling inside me isn’t doomed to loneliness.

I hold him tighter.

Maybe Luke is falling in love with me too.

Chapter 119


“I’m gonna take a shower.”He scratches his chin. “Probably trim the beard too. It’s getting itchy.”