It’s so ridiculous. Izzy is in her wedge heels. Natalie with her hands full. And I’m urging us all to run across the nice, slightly stuck-up lobby of my building.
Meghan reaches the doors, then stops.
Her mouth drops open.
“What?” I rush past the other two, fully invested in catching Steph.
“Oh my god,” Meghan gasps. Then she starts to laugh.
I reach the doors and shove them open. All four of us spill out on the sidewalk just in time to see Steph climbing into a car. One that I recognize.
“Alex?” I screech.
Steph freezes, but she doesn’t look back. And a second later, she dives the rest of the way into the passenger seat.
One of my unlaced tennis shoes flies off my foot as I try to run to catch up. But the man with hair the same color as mine steps on the gas the second Steph shuts her door.
Standing there, in the middle of the sidewalk, with one shoe on, I gape.
“Hey, Kitten, what’s going on?” My husband’s deep voice surprises me.
I spin around to find Jackson standing behind me with a smile on his face.
I shake my head. “Oh, ya know. Just your sister hiding a relationship from us.”
His smile drops. “What? With who?”
I point in the direction the car just took off in. “My brother.”
Jackson narrows his eyes. “If he doesn’t marry her, I’m going to kill him.”
Chapter 100
I lookaround for my husband, but I don’t see him.
I drop my eyes to my phone and use my thumb to tap the screen, but there aren’t any new texts from Luke.
I look back at the cars on the street. If Jackson is back, Luke has to be here, but I don’t?—
A heavy arm drapes across my shoulders.
“Looking for someone?” Luke’s voice sends warmth down my spine.
I tip my head back to look at him as I lean into his side. “Yeah, maybe you’ve seen him. He’s tall, handsome, covered in tattoos.”
Luke hums. “I keep telling you, Wife. Ash is taken.”
“Why are you talking about me?” A deep voice rumbles from behind us.
Luke brings me with him as he turns to face his friend. “Just saying how ugly you are.”
A laugh pops out of me, and I press my lips together when Luke drops his narrowed gaze on me.
I only have eyes for Luke. My libido is apparently broken for any man who isn’t mine, but even a dead person could appreciate how handsome Ash LeBlanc is.
“Sure you were,” Ash replies in that low voice of his before he dips his head in my direction. “Nice to see you again, Natalie. Sorry for your misfortune of marrying this dumbass.”